how to prevent respiratory diseases in the later stage of nursing?-九游会旧版

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how to prevent respiratory diseases in the later stage of nursing?
add time:2012.08.23    views:465
the nursery phase is the most important period during the whole growth cycle of the piglets. it is also the period when the piglet is weak and has the least resistance, and it is also the most difficult period for nursing. because of the past, is very important, so to pay more attention to this period. in the early stage, the piglets often suffered from diarrhea after weaning. later, they were mostly respiratory problems. especially since last autumn, more and more respiratory disease complex, difficult to control, pig farm owners become the most difficult problem.
the common symptoms of respiratory diseases during the period of nursing are sneezing, coughing, panting, and more abdominal breathing. gradually losing weight, long hair and dark skin, pale skin, decreased intake of appetite, lying down and walking. once obviously emaciated, treatment is often ineffective, mostly with the outcome of death. in the cold season, in order to give in the insulation, poor ventilation, poor air quality, the relatively high incidence of respiratory disease; in the spring summer warmer season, the air is relatively fresh, but respiratory disease still occurs, to the dissemination of the most common, and are difficult to control. on the domestic situation, respiratory diseases are mainly mycoplasma infection, mixed infection of pasteurella multocida, bordetella, streptococcus, pleuropneumonia, actinobacillus, escherichia coli and so on. some farms also have the possibility of pseudorabies virus, swine fever virus, prrs infection, and even the infection of pcv. the pathological changes of pneumonia, pleuropneumonia, pericarditis and even peritonitis were found in autopsy. apical leaves, leaf meat, diaphragmatic lobe dorsal ventral margin of symmetry bleeding or consolidation. the severe pulmonary consolidation, the proportion increased, the leaf tip, leaf or leaf diaphragm fibrin exudation, or whole lung and pleural fibrinous adhesions, pulmonary interstitial edema, piebald, elastic; pericardial effusion and cardiac or pericardial adhesions; abdominal cavity pus or purulent membrane around the liver surface. the incidence of the disease varies from pig farm to pig farm. winter high incidence of more than 40%, low hair about 15%; warm season about 10-20%, but the mortality rate is higher. once the disease rate is higher, the production status of the pig will decline obviously, the growth rate will be slower, the feed cost will be reduced, the time of slaughter will be delayed, and the cost of drugs will be raised. therefore, in order to control the disease, early administration and early prevention must be performed. the following measures are recommended:
1, prevention of early infection
1), sows before and after delivery in a period of time, by feeding drugs, one is to reduce the content of respiratory tract mycoplasma mycoplasma infection in piglets, reduce early in the delivery room; two is to clean the vaginal bacteria, such as streptococcus, escherichia coli, salmonella, prevent early infection during childbirth. the commonly used drug regimen is:
these static or static lygo potent mycoplasma double coptis extract kinwe growth peptide, or three disease elimination of astragalus polysaccharide extract powder, and 1 tons of material, in the 1 weeks before and 1 weeks postpartum continuous feeding.
2) since the piglets are 14 days old, the sensitive drugs are drinking or feeding, and control the infection of mycoplasma, streptococcus, pasteurella and so on.
commonly used programs are as follows:
zhilishen extract three disease elimination feed mix, continuously fed to the refueling or static mycoplasma morninglight amoxicillin, add water, every 1 weeks for drinking water for 1 weeks, 'pulse' medication until refueling (about 35-40 days old piglets).
2, the continuous use of medication at the nursery stage, control respiratory tract mixed infection, reduce the emergence of lean piglets
commonly used as follows:
mycoplasma static double coptis extract or morninglight amoxicillin feed mix, continuously fed until the turn into the group of fattening homes.
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