prevention and treatment of swine diarrhea in winter-九游会旧版

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prevention and treatment of swine diarrhea in winter
add time:2012.08.23    views:444
transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) is an infectious disease characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration caused by transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev), a highly lethal (usually 100%) infectious disease in newborn infants. although the virus is susceptible to different ages, mortality rates are low at least 5 weeks. in 1956, the disease took place in guangdong province for the first time. since then, the majority of provinces in china have also reported the occurrence of the disease, and the catering industry has brought serious harm. epidemic diarrhea (ped) is composed of epidemic diarrhea virus (pedv) is a kind of intestinal infectious disease caused by watery diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration characteristics. the incidence of all kinds of age, breast-feeding, shelves or fattening of the incidence of up to 100%, especially breast-feeding the most seriously injured. the disease mainly occurs in winter and may occur in summer. our country has been suffering from this disease since the beginning of 1980s. transmissible gastroenteritis symptoms can occur throughout the year, but mainly occurred in late autumn to early spring cold season, the rapid spread of the new epidemic areas, a pandemic outbreak, old common endemic. the infection is caused by illness and poison. the virus is excreted through feces, vomiting, milk, nasal discharge and exhalation, and other infections are caused by contamination, drinking water and so on. all age groups are only susceptible to infection, and within two weeks of age, the incidence is very high. after a short incubation period after the sudden onset, a few days spread of the whole group, part of the patient first, vomiting, and dramatic frequent watery diarrhea, fecal water was yellow, green or grey white water, stench, often with undigested curd, resulting in aberdeen severe dehydration, the mortality rate is very high. because of slow growth and become stiff.
symptoms of epidemic diarrhea (ped) can be onset at all ages, very similar to tge, with an incidence of close to 100%, 1 weeks old, or a little older, only 3 to 4d of diarrhea, and may die of dehydration. it has also been reported that breast-feeding does not occur or only minor diarrhea occurs. the main clinical symptoms are watery diarrhea, vomiting and diarrhea are in between, adults may exhibit sub clinical symptoms, or only show signs of depression, anorexia and vomiting. a small number of mothers or fattening usually die early in diarrhea, even before diarrhea. the highest mortality rate is high stress.
at present, the two diseases are similar because of the similar symptoms and the time of occurrence is very difficult to distinguish in clinic.
prevention and control measures for these two diseases:
(1) the occurrence of this disease has a certain relationship with the introduction of the virus. therefore, the field should not be purchased from the affected areas, and at the same time, the transportation of vehicles and the entry and exit of personnel must be strictly sterilized so as to prevent the spread of the disease.
(2) do a good job of thermal insulation; in winter, because of cold weather, it will lower the resistance and aggravate the disease. insulation measures: homes closed insulation insulation pad in column; straw; heat preservation by infrared lamps; available heating insulation, according to our understanding of the pathogenesis of several field investigations, insulation measures to do well, the morbidity and mortality rates were lower.
(3) viruses can be spread by sweeping brooms and shoes. therefore, each house must use a dedicated broom, each door must have a disinfection pond, the best disinfectant in the tank every day, and the depth of disinfectant must exceed the soles.
(4) when the group has the disease, it should be isolated immediately, symptomatic treatment, and preventive medication should not be taken. drugs are: every year to add intestinal skin, diarrhea powder amoxicillin dysentery, storm can control secondary infection, while adding vitamin d growth peptide to meet the special needs of stress. the best water adding drugs such as zhengchangsheng etc.
(5) if the intake of the group decreases, we can add antidiarrheal extract powder high toxin free toxin to the water, supplement nutrition and prevent dehydration.
(6) individual treatment: morninglight dysentery, dysentery and other evil dester fast for a course of intramuscular injection.
(7) feeding digestible feed, not suddenly replaced.
(8) injection control.
a: two kinds of infectious gastroenteritis and epidemic diarrhea can be inoculated, and the mother needs two immunization.
b: vaccination methods
injection of houhai acupoint (the hollow part of the pit between the tail root and the anus). at the time of inoculation, the depth of injection was 0.5-4.0cm according to the age, and the age of 0.5cm was increased by age at 3 days. it became 4cm and remained parallel with or slightly inclined to the rectum when entering the needle.  the pregnant female to each of the first 4ml 20-30 days before the birth, birth to the inoculation of 1ml within 7 days after weaning. body weight below 25kg, aberdeen 1ml, 25-50kg, 2ml, 50kg or more into each head 4ml.
c: take care while you're on the inoculation:
freeze not.
shake well before use and in use.
should be stored at 2-8 degrees to avoid light, valid for 1 years. substandard is not available
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