high communicable diseases in winter -九游会旧版

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high communicable diseases in winter -- prevention and treatment of swine paratyphoid
add time:2012.08.23    views:543
swine paratyphoid, also known as porcine salmonellosis, is an infectious disease of piglets caused by salmonella. the acute cases were sepsis, and chronic cases were necrotizing pneumonia and pneumonia. the disease mainly occurs in 1~4 month old piglets, and seldom occurs in adult pigs. there are all over the world.
[epidemiology] this disease can occur throughout the year, but it occurs most frequently when the climate is cold and changeable in spring and winter. piglet feeding pens damp, improper management, congestion, lack of exercise, diet alone, lack of vitamins and minerals or poor quality, a sudden change of feed, climate change, long-distance transportation and so on are the main cause of the disease.
[clinical symptoms] the disease can be divided into acute, subacute and chronic diseases. (acute septicemic): when the weak body resistance and pathogen virulence and strong infection, after the rapid development of sepsis, as temperature suddenly rose up to 40.5 to 41.5 deg c, depression, do not eat, do not love the activities. generally do not see diarrhea, 3~4 days after the occurrence of water samples, yellow stool. the tip of the ear, the chest and abdomen, and the ends of the extremities are purplish red. the majority of the disease for 2~4 days, and some symptoms within 24 hours after death. the incidence of the disease varies greatly, but there are less than 10%, and the mortality is very high. subacute and chronic: subacute and chronic are clinically common types. pigs temperature rise up to 40.5 to 41.5 deg c, jingshenbuzhen, chills, stacked together, eyes viscous or purulent secretions, the upper and lower eyelids are often adhesive. a small number of corneal opacities develop into ulcers and even eyeball erosion. pig disease anorexia, constipation early after diarrhea, stool was watery yellowish or gray green, odor. due to diarrhea, dehydration, quickly thin. in the middle and late stages of the disease, some patients have diffuse eczema, especially the abdominal skin. sometimes, the large and dried pulp covering of mung bean can be seen and the superficial ulcer can be seen. the course of the disease is usually delayed for 2~3 weeks or longer, and at the end it is extremely emaciated and dies. low mortality. sometimes the symptoms of a sick pig are gradually reduced, but later the growth is not well or it recurs again in the short term. some pigs called latent "pig paratyphoid, stunted growth, bristly chaos, filth, weak, occasional diarrhea. body temperature and appetite changed little, and part of the pigs died suddenly with worsening symptoms.
[pathological changes] the main pathological changes of sepsis are acute. spleen often swollen, dark color, blue, hard as rubber, cut blue red, spleen medulla does not soften. mesenteric lymph nodes are enlarged, such as cord, congestion and bleeding. the liver has a slight swelling, sometimes visible liver very small yellow dot necrosis. the whole body of the mucosa and serosa bleeding spots in varying degrees, the stomach mucosa of acute catarrhal inflammation. the bodies were subacute and chronic wasting, some cases have bean callus like skin rash, a characteristic lesion is the cecum, colon, ileum sometimes spread to the posterior segment of necrotic enteritis, intestinal wall thickening, mucous membrane is covered with a layer of pale yellow diffuse necrosis and pickled tofu like material, see the bottom, red peel ulcer edge irregular. the mesenteric lymph nodes are swollen and partly caseous. spleen slightly swollen, reticular tissue proliferation, liver necrosis and sometimes visible yellow dots. lung leaves, tip of leaf and leaf margin sometimes found before the historic pneumonia consolidation area.
[] to improve prevention management and sanitation conditions, to eliminate the cause of the cause of the disease, quanshe thorough cleaning and disinfection, especially feed to clean feces after fermentation by. in the prevention, the susceptible pigs can be prevented by stopping dysentery, storm, dysentery, extract powder, amoxicillin, solid intestine and dysentery, and the above-mentioned medicines can be mixed in the feed for 5~7 days.
[cure]: this bacterium corresponds to the majority of antibiotics used in pigs are resistant to antibiotics, the purpose of treatment is to control its clinical symptoms to a minimum. the individual can choose the morninglight intramuscular injection of dysentery, dysentery, evil star fast morninglight grams, baidu dysentery dysentery fast, continuous use of a course.
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