diagnosis and treatment of swine gastroenteritis-九游会旧版

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diagnosis and treatment of swine gastroenteritis
add time:2012.08.23    views:521

gastric ulcer is one of the common diseases in pigs, and large-scale pig farms are also common. pigs suffering from stomach ulcers cause acute death from gastric bleeding. this disease is also called gastric ulcer syndrome. it is a kind of gastropathy characterized by pathological features of gastric and esophageal localized ulcers. the incidence of the disease varies greatly, the low is about 2-5%, and the high reaches 15-25%. more often than 3-8 month old pigs.
i. etiology. the cause of the disease has yet to be determined.
primary gastric ulcer may be related to feed quality, feeding management, environmental sanitation and other factors. the cellulose diet or lack of overgrinding, copper poisoning, hyperacidity, corn starch, excessive feeding, feed properly, mildew, poor quality, feeding mutation, feed grinding too small, lack of vitamin e and selenium can cause the disease. in addition, congestion, panic, fatigue, poor sanitation, small barn, long-distance transportation and hunger stress can promote the occurrence of the disease.
secondary gastric ulcer, acute catarrhal ulcer, seen in induced chronic gastric catarrh in the process of inflammation caused by inflammation of gastrointestinal ulcer. pigs have higher rates of gastric ulcers due to fungal infections, especially in pigs. secondary infectious diseases and parasitic diseases are secondary to blood stasis, mucosal disease, foot and mouth disease, blister disease, pox disease, pig tooth, stomach worm and so on.
two 、 clinical symptoms. the disease usually has no obvious clinical symptoms and is difficult to detect before death. it is usually found during slaughter except for acute death. it can occur at any age of pigs, but multiple feeder pigs. some pigs appear indigestion, sometimes depression, anorexia, weakness, vomiting, abdominal pain, and even visual mucosa obvious pale, anemia, stool is black paste. some healthy pigs, after exercise or excitement, may suddenly die due to internal bleeding. the body is extremely pale, and extensive bleeding is seen in the stomach. in most cases, lesions of gastrointestinal erosions and ulcers are seen only after postmortem examination or during slaughter.
three 、 pathological changes. dead pigs have pale skin and are extremely anaemic. the main pathological features are bleeding, erosion, necrosis and ulcer of the gastric mucosa. the main site of the lesion is in the stomach, esophagus and esophagus of the pig. the lesions are usually scattered and varying in size, size and shape. erosion is numerous, the range is superficial and small. ulcers are mostly scattered, often round or oval, ranging in diameter from 3-5 mm to 50-60 mm, and may extend to the muscularis or even the serosa. in severe cases, large amounts of black fluid are accumulated in the stomach and duodenum, and some are aggregated into blocks. pale muscle, showing hemorrhagic anemia changes.  severe local perforation of the stomach, secondary peritonitis.
four 、 diagnosis. it is difficult to diagnose the disease before death. according to the stool is black, the body pale, showing hemorrhagic anemia; acute death, the autopsy showed gastric mucosa bleeding, erosion, necrosis and ulceration, can make a diagnosis.
five, prevention and control
1, treatment:
the principle of treatment for this disease is to supplement body fluid, prevent dehydration and secondary infection. the commonly used multidimensional glucose intravenous or oral rehydration salts for use at the same time, the vast qixiao dysentery, dysentery baidu quick antibiotic treatment.
2, prevention: to reduce irritation, corruption, difficult to digest feed supply, digestible feed feed, do not wear too thin, not moldy feed kept in a dry place, do not add too much copper in feed, can increase the gold dimension growth peptide promoter etc.. to create a good environment and reduce the existence of stress factors.
chuang xin liu teacher

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