several factors causing respiratory diseases in pigs-九游会旧版

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several factors causing respiratory diseases in pigs
add time:2012.08.23    views:451
porcine respiratory disease in the year may be the disease, especially the seasonal time, due to many factors of pig disease, sometimes is not a pathogenic microorganism or parasite, but some environmental or management factors, these factors may be more important than other factors, but for the pigs, the effects of these factors it is a cumulative, each of these factors can reduce the ability of pig defeat pathogens.
the factors leading to respiratory diseases in pigs are: first, microorganisms; second, parasites; third, and other environmental factors. the pathogenic microbes are: porcine reproductive, respiratory syndrome virus, pseudorabies virus, porcine respiratory coronavirus, swine influenza virus, swine pasteurella, streptococcus, actinomyces, mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, eperythrozoon suis and other mycoplasma pneumoniae, haemophilus parasuis, porcine b.bronchiseptica, more than just some the main pathogens causing disease, they exist in many commercial farms, one or two kinds of microbial infection in pigs if the clinical symptoms may be much lighter.
poorly ventilated pigs suffer from pneumonia in most of these conditions. outdoor pigs do not develop pneumonia because of the large amount of fresh air. since the size of each pig house and the feeding density are different, the type of airflow required is different, so we should consult the experts. the fan and vent shall be controlled at will.
in addition to considering the ventilation condition of the whole pig house, the local wind intensity should also consider the intensity of local wind. this high speed partial air flow can make the pig feel cold and cause stress. the standard is that the wind speed at the pig's body level should not exceed 0.3 meters per second. if the air inlet position is improper, the door is not closed, the door and window is broken, or there is a hole in the wall and curtain, the wind speed will be increased, so that the pig will suffer from respiratory diseases. control the wind speed even in the hottest weather.
the temperature control of temperature is improper pig demand decreases with age, although the farmers made plans or measures gradually decreased, but there is no way to make use of; in addition, without considering the temperature change within 24 hours, is caused by porcine respiratory disease inducement.
the ventilation system is poorly maintained and the ventilation system should be maintained regularly to ensure that the fan and hydraulic transmission works well. if the fan is not clean, its efficiency can be reduced by at least 40%. in addition, the microorganisms on the fan will float in the air as the fan rotates, resulting in the occurrence of swine diseases, especially the occurrence of respiratory diseases. if there is a hole in the fan blade, the effect of ventilation will be reduced.
humidity pig also has certain requirement to the humidity inside the house.
when the relative humidity is less than 50%, it is too dry and over 75% is too wet. in this environment, pigs are susceptible to respiratory diseases.
in the air and dust in the air is not only on the respiratory system of pigs is harmful, but also to raise personnel health effects.
dust in the air is not the same size, large diameter particles, visible to the naked eye, are not easily inhaled into the respiratory system. the number to control and can be fed some wet feed, or to bunk with. the number can be improved through the indoor humidity to control and.
endotoxin produced by dead bacteria in the air can also cause respiratory diseases.
autumn and winter indoor harmful gas, ventilation of the pigsty, harmful gas can not timely discharge metabolites in barns, which resulted in the increase of harmful gas fan, ventilator can harm the body.
the orientation of the pig house, the orientation of the pig house and the layout of the pig farm have an important influence on the health of the respiratory system. in addition to the new house away from the original building (in order to better control the disease, but also pay attention to the pig) between the distance and the pigpen, these can affect the ventilation of the pigsty. therefore, the construction of pig houses must first design a scientific architectural program.
feeding density and feeding density are not only related to the development of pigs, but also closely related to pneumonia in pigs. the concept of density varies according to the climate, and varies from country to country and region to region. but the common point is within each housing 2/3 of the total area of dry ground area for lie down and rest.
the sleeping area is moist, whether it is cement ground or bare ground. we should ensure the cleanliness and comfort of the sleeping area, so as to reduce the stress of pigs.
stress can lead to many diseases. in autumn and winter, stress has a more serious impact on respiratory diseases in pigs. such as drinking water shortage, hunger, transportation, overcrowding and so on.
quanshe not neat fold wall or fence is not smooth and the damage of pig body, bacteria will invade the body, through the blood circulation into the respiratory system, causing the disease.
poor reproductive management is common in self - bred pig farms, such as the presence of pigs infected with mycoplasma in swine herds, without being eliminated in time, which results in the spread of the disease in pigs. once found in pigs, a form of mildew should be eliminated.
sanitation and disinfection, although some pig houses are all in and out, but the empty circle has not been able to conduct thorough sanitary cleaning and disinfection, or the design of the pigsty itself is not reasonable, and it is not easy to clean and disinfect. in this case, the pathogenic microorganism will grow and multiply.
if the adverse growth of piglets piglets more serious will affect the growth of piglets, the pig body weak, low resistance and immunity.
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