susceptible diseases and solutions after weaning of piglets-九游会旧版

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susceptible diseases and solutions after weaning of piglets
add time:2012.08.23    views:495

feeding and management technology of piglets after weaning will directly affect the growth of pigs, improper management of extremely prone children diarrhea, pig edema, growth retardation, weight loss, malnutrition, and even death, causing economic losses.
feeding and management technology of piglets after weaning will directly affect the growth of pigs, improper management of extremely prone children diarrhea, pig edema, growth retardation, weight loss, malnutrition, and even death, causing economic losses.
after weaning it takes about a week or so to adapt to the process, because the stress response caused by weaning pigs, in a few days after weaning in appetite, food intake, weight loss, weight loss to pigs, weight increase slowly, by about 7 days to improve gradually, weight gain during this period because often weaned pigs have diarrhea, loss of appetite, rows of yellow green loose stool, tail ears cyanosis tremor, but the temperature is normal, often because of systemic dehydration, alvine go up full of death.
in pigs after weaning at second weeks, prone to edema disease, such as tremors, difficulty breathing, movement disorders, after a few hours or a few days after the death. the pathological anatomy, visible to the gastric contents and full stomach cardia mucosa edema, superficial inguinal lymph nodes, mesenteric lymph nodes, mesenteric vascular congestion and edema of eyelid, and brain effusion.
according to the physiological characteristics of pigs, 20 day old ~70 days old pigs is the fastest stage of development of digestive tract. the difference in a few weeks ago after birth, gastric acid secretion is less, stay after 60 days will gradually complete secretion function, so the effect of this milk protein in the diet of pig pigs digestion and absorption, lactation, milk lactic acid intragastric acidity is high, and after weaning gastric ph value was significantly increased, so the digestive tract secretion enzyme with the development of the digestive tract and into the food and change, including carbohydrate enzyme, lipase and protease also increased gradually. lactic acid bacteria in the digestive tract of suckling pigs, can inhibit the production of toxins, reduce the nutrients in the gastrointestinal damage, strengthen the protective effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, prevent illness caused by the pathogen of gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhea after weaning, while the increase of gastric ph value of lactobacillus decreased, escherichia coli bacteria are gradually increased. damage, leading to disease.
the maternal antibody in piglets born from breast milk obtained, with the increase of age, maternal antibody concentration decreased gradually during this period, zizhu active immunity itself is not perfect, during which the pigs are prone to disease.
after weaning, the piglets change their original living environment because they leave the sow, and they do not adapt to the new life style. they are prone to stress reaction. pig condition is not good, wet leak, low temperature, and the surrounding environment not thoroughly disinfected, improper feeding can cause diarrhea in pigs.
solution: because pigs grow fast, at the age of 2 weeks ~4 weeks depending on the nutrients provided by breast milk has been unable to meet their nutritional needs, while feeding to reduce the emergency response after weaning feed conversion, starting from the age of 12 days of feeding, weaned at 21 days of age, the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin in pigs the fed did not make were higher than pre weaning pigs, and can prevent the intestinal villus and crypt deepening degree by feeding.
a supplement should be based on the choice of zizhu digestive physiological characteristics of high level, high quality and good palatability of the diet. in order to improve pigs feed intake and growth rate, reduce the occurrence of diarrhea, can choose fat milk powder, lactose, dried blood meal, fish meal and soybean and other high quality protein, containing the ideal raw material for resistance factor.
two, add probiotics, bacillus licheniformis, add zhengchangsheng in 3 ~4 weeks of age weaned pigs of corn, beans and other foil diets can significantly improve the pigs weight gain and feed conversion ratio.
add zhengchangsheng can compensate for the reduced activity of the digestive enzymes in vivo after weaning, improve feed efficiency, improve the growth rate of pigs.
three, add jin growth peptide, in order to promote the growth of pigs and improve feed conversion rate, prevent zizhu diarrhea, should be added in the diet of jin zizhu in growth peptide.
weaning management method: temperature, there should be appropriate, because the newly weaned piglets, is very sensitive to the ambient temperature, ambient temperature requirements of small weight of pigs, pigs should be stable, in 1 weeks after weaning at room temperature temperature should not exceed 2 degrees, otherwise there will be the phenomenon of poor growth of zizhu diarrhea.
two, inside the ground should be kept clean and dry, make the hair dry zizhu heat and strong, easy to cause the heat wet zizhu increase, making itself insufficient heat and temperature dropped more easily catch pigs.
three, the ability to adapt to environmental changes in weaned pigs is very poor, especially the change of temperature, weaning to take away the sows, pigs will remain in the original circle, in order to reduce the level of emergency response.
four, pig to wind, heat insulation, especially drafts and drafts, to prevent a cold, cold, sick, feed consumption, growth.
five, to regularly use toxic bacteria quanshe high iodine disinfectant for disinfection, prevent disease occurrence.
(chuang xin liu)

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