control measures of colibacillosis in piglets in large-九游会旧版

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control measures of colibacillosis in piglets in large-scale pig farms
add time:2012.08.23    views:495
colibacillosis is a enteric infection of pigs caused by pathogenic escherichia coli (e. coli). according to the difference of the onset of h age and pathogen serotypes of escherichia coli can be divided into the yellow scour of newborn piglets and 3 piglets edema disease. the yellow scour of newborn piglets was born after a few hours to a height of 1 week old piglets with acute lethal intestinal infectious disease, severe diarrhea, discharge of yellow or yellow white watery feces and rapid dehydration death characteristics. is the white diarrhea of piglet digestive tract infectious disease caused by escherichia coli 10 days old piglets occurred. the main feature of the clinic is the incidence of white matter, and the morbidity is high and the fatality rate is low. intestinal dysbacteriosis, escherichia coli excessive breeding is an important cause of the disease. swine edema disease is caused by hemolytic escherichia coli toxins, which is characterized by edema and neurological symptoms in the eyelids or other parts of the weaned piglets. colibacillosis in piglets is very common in intensive pig farms, which causes serious economic losses.
new pathogenic characteristics of colibacillosis in piglets
1. new pathogenic e. coli serotypes appear constantly. pathogenic escherichia coli has complex antigen structure. there are four antigens of o, k, h and f.
2, the serotypes causing swine diseases often have k88 (k88ab, k88ac, k88ad, three subtypes), k99, 987p, f41, f42, f7 and so on, and each has its own unique antigenicity.
3, to a intensive pig farm, the pathogen serotypes of the pig farm are relatively stable, the regions are different, and the dominant serotypes are different. the dominant serotypes of different pig farms or groups in the same area are not exactly the same. from the serum types reported in different regions, the difference is great. the predominant serotypes vary from place to place, and the 0 anti prototype varies from region to region and period. but in the same fashion in the same location, they are usually limited to 1-2 types. among them, o8, o45, o38, o141, o9, k88 and other serotypes can be caused by piglets.
4, the resistant escherichia coli infection is particularly serious, and the resistance characteristics are as follows: (1) the resistance bacteria are widely distributed, and the intensive pig farms all over the country have the problem of resistance to e. coli infection. (2) escherichia coli can tolerate many antimicrobial agents at the same time. (3) of escherichia coli and even cut just for the new antibacterial veterinary clinic has drug resistance.
new characteristics of piglet colibacillosis in large-scale pig farm
1, the source of infection and transmission of infected pigs and infected pigs are the main source of infection from bacteria through the polluted water feed and feces. female nipple and skin, when piglets suck, lick or food through the digestive tract infection. escherichia coli is the common bacteria in the intestines of animals, widely exists in the fecal pollution, drinking water, feed and ground equipment, with the piglets fed by breast, digestive tract infection.
2, the seasonal characteristics of yellow scour of piglet diarrhea is not obvious seasonal, yellowscour farms in a popular, often prolonged time, the season of incidence focused on calving season, summer and winter, humid and rainy season onset is more serious, less scattered breeding. edema disease of piglets is more common in 4~5 months and 9~10 months.
3, the age characteristics of young pigs of this kind of disease susceptibility occurs mainly in the birth to weaning. the new piglet yellowscour within 24 hours of the most easily infected pigs. generally, about three days after birth, the onset is not more than 7 days at the latest. in the rainy season, 12 hours after birth. piglets with diarrhoea occur in 10~30 piglets, with 6 to 12 days for a maximum of 7 days, or 30 days old pigs more rarely incidence. edema disease of piglets mainly occurred in the weaning period, more than 1~2 weeks after weaning. in recent years, the disease has new epidemiological characteristics. the age of onset is increasing. according to the investigation, the local situation, 40~50kg pigs also have edema disease.
4, stress factors and disease and health management of pig feed has a great relationship, in the winter and spring season two rainy or sudden changes in temperature, poor heat insulation and lack of more incidence of sows milk. a litter of piglets has one hair disease, and the rest often occur simultaneously or in succession. quanshe pollution, incomplete disinfection, poor sanitation, eat colostrum deficiency, hot and cold set, poor quality, feed sow feed suddenly changed and milk juice is too thick, too thin or too much, too little can cause the occurrence and prevalence of this disease. 2 weeks postpartum piglets, although still feeding. but the antibody in breast milk has started to decline, low resistance, is an important reason for the outbreak of piglets pullorum disease. it was observed that most of the edema diseases occurred in the herds with relatively simple feed and lack of minerals (mainly selenium) and vitamins (b and e). intensive pig farms, pig density is too large, poor ventilation, feeding pipes and disinfection of the environment is not complete, is not to be ignored.
5, parity and the incidence of yellow scour of piglets in the country farms have occurred, but the severity of the disease varies. the incidence of new onset pig farms, often with independent parity. but at the annual incidence of pig farm, the disease occurred mainly in the first born piglets. there are some sows several fetal piglets are the occurrence of the disease. but after the general two or three successive litters of piglets following onset, wo could gradually stop. the greater the sow age, the lower the incidence of piglets. the first sow litter the incidence of serious, with the increase of scc, gradually reduce the incidence of piglets. this is because sows are chronically infected with e. coli and gradually develop immunity to the bacteria. in the new pig farm, the disease is seriously harmful, and then the incidence is gradually reduced.
6, the physique characteristic, the piglet dropsy disease and the physique relates, moreover also occurs in the food intake exuberant
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