diagnosis and treatment of a case of diarrhea complicated with red blood cell disease-九游会旧版

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diagnosis and treatment of a case of diarrhea complicated with red blood cell disease
add time:2012.08.23    views:393

swine dysentery by swine dysentery serpulina (serpulinahyodysenteriae) of intestinal infectious disease caused by a unique, clinical to emaciation, diarrhea or mucinous hemorrhagic diarrhea features. the disease has a high incidence, rapid onset and high mortality rate of [1].
suis suis (eperythrozoon) is an acute and febrile infectious disease caused by the attachment of pig red blood cells to the surface of pig erythrocytes or from plasma. the disease is characterized by fever, anemia, hemolytic jaundice, dyspnea, and redness of the skin. the course of disease is about 10 d to 30 d or more, and the mortality is high. it is not difficult to treat the two diseases separately. once mixed infection, it will bring great difficulties to the diagnosis and treatment, and the high mortality rate and high rate of elimination will cause serious losses to the pig industry.
1 incidence
shaanxi province liquan county suburbs and surrounding towns since june 2010, in pig fattening intensive regions, some small and medium-sized pig farm pigs often onset. the general introduction of pigs after 4 d to 30 d at the beginning of the disease onset, feed intake decreased rapidly or abolish disease range above 7 d, the mortality rate soared. if the treatment is inappropriate, the mortality rate of piglets can reach more than 90%. most of the 2 d to 3 d after the treatment is invalid to the doctor, which were treated more than 80 cases, more than 1000 sick pigs. for example, a suburb of pigs in august 20, 2010 transferred 58 piglets, the admission day animal swine fever vaccine intramuscular injection 4 pigs, swine fever, swine erysipelas, swine plague triple vaccine 2 pigs, pigs no abnormalities within 7 days after the 8 d pigs have disease, a week and full wave group.
2 clinical symptoms
the symptoms of different pigs were different, and most piglets were acute. at the beginning of the disease temperature can reach 40.5 deg to 41.5 deg c, food intake decreased rapidly, skin redness, especially abdominal, ear; conjunctival redness and cyanosis; urine is dark yellow or brown sauce, color or deep yellow loose stool. some pigs rapid weight loss, difficulty breathing, severe diarrhea or constipation, some into watery diarrhea, feces or grease like jelly, brown, red or black, with the progression of feces mixed with cellulose exudation or mucosal debris, smell fishy.
the majority of cases of anorexia, containing mucus, blood or blood clots in feces, acute death or purple body had no obvious change. the pigs were highly depressed, dehydrated, fecal incontinence, arch waist, abdominal pain, ear tips, abdomen, extremities, purple, marginal ear dry and rolled up, individual pigs have shortness of breath, abdominal breathing, a cough. after the late pig skin and mucosa of chronic pale walkswing by wool thick chaos without light, rapid weight loss, late fecal incontinence, anal and tail root by fecal contamination, unable to stand up, extremely weak death.
3 changes in necropsy
the surface visible ear, nose and extremities, chest, abdominal needle bleeding and purpura, bad blood coagulation. the lymph nodes of the lower jaw, hilum, mesentery and groin are highly enlarged, varying degrees of bleeding. there is a hemorrhagic ulcer of the size of the mung bean in the throat. the trachea is filled with foam mucus, large areas of the lungs congestion or punctate bleeding, myocardial degeneration such as boiling water over. gastric ulcer or flushing of the fundus of the stomach, redness, or bleeding of the fundus of the stomach. the nutritional status of pig acute death is good, visible or catarrhal hemorrhagic enteritis. the colon and cecum mucosa swelling, bleeding, intestinal contents is thin, which mixed with mucus, blood, like soy sauce or coffee. thickening of rectal mucosa, severe bleeding spots. the lesions are mainly concentrated in the cecum and colon, bowel wall and mesentery hyperemia, edema, and some appear mucinous hemorrhagic inflammation, necrosis of mucosal surface, forming a gray or yellow mucus fibrin pseudo membrane, a bran dermoid, pseudo membrane potential erosion stripped off the visible surface. the liver congestion, swelling, and fragile, the surface of regional necrosis, gallbladder filling, bile like rice soup, gallbladder bleeding. partial kidney enlargement, the capsule is easy to peel, there are diffuse bleeding spots, hyperemia and bleeding of the bladder lining, [3].
4 diagnosis
4.1 intestinal mucosa and stool examination
take sick pig feces or fresh colorectal mucosa smear with giemsa and ammonium oxalate crystal violet or red staining staining, microscopy, high magnification of each view visible more than 3 with 3 ~ 4 curved large spiral can be suspected [3] swine dysentery.
4.2 blood test
the blood of the diseased pig is watery and does not adhere to the tube wall. the blood collected in the test tube is cooled and poured out. it is shown that the wall of the test tube has granular micro blood. when the blood is heated to 38 deg c, this phenomenon almost disappears.
4.3 mirror examination
take venous blood on a slide, plus normal saline mixed with glass, observed at 400 times to 600 times the dark field microscope, visible tremor and deformation of blood cells and a eperythrozoon light green fluorescence.
according to epidemiology, clinical symptoms, necropsy changes and laboratory examination, it can be diagnosed as mixed infection of dysentery, swine diseases and red blood cells.
5 treatment
pigs per kg weight of intramuscular injection of dysentery featuring needle, 2 times a day for 5 d;
morninglight honggong chain, intramuscular injection of 0.2 ml/kg, 1 times a day, for 2 d after the first 0.2 meters hin ml/kg, deep intramuscular injection, 1 times a day for 3 d.
when the pigs were fed, they added fluoride peptide 800g, anti dysentery extract powder 1000g, high titer free toxin 1000g, and used for 1 weeks. sick pigs eliminated in time,
in addition, the treatment process should pay attention to symptomatic treatment, vitamin c supplementation, vitamin k3, anemia, disease resistance and promoting long needle, astragalus antitoxin, etc.. weak heart kangfuxin injection. take the above measures

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