identification of pig body temperature and swine fever diseases and prevention-九游会旧版

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identification of pig body temperature and swine fever diseases and prevention
add time:2012.08.23    views:423

core tip: at present, the temperature caused by pig fever "high fever" disease situation is still grim. the swine high fever is not a particular pig, pig "high fever" refers to a series of symptoms of swine high fever.
at present, the situation of "high fever" disease caused by elevated body temperature of pigs is still grim. the swine high fever is not a particular pig, pig "high fever" refers to a series of symptoms of swine high fever.
i. the temperature of the pig
normal healthy pig rectal temperature is 38~40 degrees, one day and night temperature difference is generally not more than 1 degrees, the normal state is slightly lower in the morning, slightly higher in the afternoon.
the pig's temperature rise, also known as fever, is now referred to as "high fever", in fact, the pig's body temperature is caused by many pathogenic factors, inflammatory reaction, resulting in more than 40 degrees above the temperature of pigs. animal fever is due to fever activator acting on the body, leading to endogenous pyrogen (ep) has incorporated into the brain contribute to thermoregulation, which led to more media release followed by central heating setpoint changes, eventually cause fever. fever itself is not a disease, but a symptom. in fact, it is one of the mechanisms of resistance to infection in vivo. fever may even have its uses: shorten the duration of the disease, increase the effect of antibiotics, and make the infection less infectious. is the most common clinical symptoms of the disease, is an important clinical manifestation in the disease process. can be seen in a variety of infectious diseases and non infectious diseases. the most common clinical infection is fever, of course, due to the feed material factors such as moldy corn use, resulting in non infectious hair is also on the agenda.
because the temperature of the pig rectum fluctuates greatly, especially when the body temperature is measured, the temperature of the pig is increased rapidly after the stimulation, so the pig should be in a quiet state when measuring the body temperature. according to the degree of fever can be divided into: fever, body temperature rise 0.5~1 degrees, more common in dyspepsia, stomatitis; heat, body temperature rise 1~2 degrees, in gastroenteritis, pneumonia; high fever, body temperature rise 2~3 degrees, in prrs, swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease; high fever, body temperature rise above 3 degrees, is a serious infectious disease, sepsis, acute exacerbation.
1, accompanied by diarrhea in some diseases
swine fever, prrs, circovirus infection, infectious gastroenteritis (piglets), paratyphoid fever, swine erysipelas (pigs), listeriosis (piglets lost blood), ascariasis, toxoplasmosis, mycotoxin nephropathy, potato poisoning, acute contagious pleural pneumonia.
2, accompanied by runny nose and cough symptoms of the disease:
prrs, swine fever, swine flu, pseudorabies virus, cytomegalovirus disease, lung disease, swine erysipelas, paratyphoid, toxoplasmosis, streptococcus disease, acute septicemic contagious pleuropneumonia, t-2 toxin poisoning.
3, accompanied by vomiting symptoms of the disease
swine fever, swine erysipelas, pseudorabies virus, infectious encephalomyelitis (pig), acute infectious gastroenteritis, dysentery, swine toxoplasmosis, t-2 toxin poisoning, acute contagious pleuropneumonia.
4, accompanied by neurological symptoms of the disease:
piglet infectious encephalomyelitis, pseudorabies in piglets, piglets, piglets, piglets prrs erysipelas listeriosis, swine fever (infection or delayed post streptococcal disease (csf), meningitis or septicaemia, heatstroke etc.).
5, accompanied by acute symptoms of death
the most acute type of swine fever, anthrax, acute type paratyphoid, piglets pseudorabies, septicemic streptococcosis, piglets prrs, acute lung disease, piglet swine erysipelas, stress syndrome, heatstroke etc..
6, accompanied by skin lesions of the disease
prrs, swine fever, erysipelas, septicemic streptococcosis, listeriosis, paratyphoid fever, lung disease, swine eperythrozoonosis, swine toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis, piglet mycotoxin nephropathy, t-2 toxin poisoning.
7, accompanied by sow miscarriage symptoms of the disease
prrs, swine fever, swine pseudorabies, brucellosis, swine toxoplasmosis, porcine listeriosis, swine salmonellosis, swine leptospirosis, mycotoxin nephritis, t-2 toxin poisoning.
8, accompanied by symptoms of paralysis of the back
infectious encephalomyelitis, pseudorabies, purulent meningitis, japanese encephalitis, prrs sows, listeriosis, swine erysipelas, acute contagious pleuropneumonia, streptococcus disease, potato poisoning and other factors of acute septicemia.
in short, according to clinical distemper disease on injection of anti fever drugs do not rush to cause, there are many causes of fever in pigs, it is best not to abuse the anti-inflammatory drugs and pathogens unknown, because the three drug can cause liver and kidney function, if pigs abuse anti-inflammatory drugs damage, increase the drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria to the drug. is not conducive to the rehabilitation of pigs, swine fever consulting veterinary technicians, according to the condition of an antidote against the disease, in order to play the effect of the disease.
two, pig high fever disease
in the practice of clinical diagnosis and treatment, we have summed up a lot of excellent treatment measures for some diseases that lead to elevated body temperature or high fever, and there are different prevention and treatment methods for different causes of disease. here are only a few of the more common and confusing infectious diseases associated with "high fever".
there are a lot of diseases causing the body temperature to rise in pigs. i aimed at the epidemic status of porcine high fever diseases and infectious diseases closely related to high fever diseases. from the clinical symptoms, mainly with fever as

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