sow five major illnesses and solutions-九游会旧版

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sow five major illnesses and solutions
add time:2012.01.17    views:481

does your sow have constipation like that?
sow constipation is very harmful, can directly cause the sow without milk, sow constipation can also cause low birth weight of pigs.
causes of constipation in sows
physiological inducement. with the increase of pregnant sows in late pregnancy age, fetal growth accelerated, the formation of the oppression of the rectum, rectal motility slow, constipation, especially in birth and birth of great zizhu sows; in addition, from the end of one month of pregnancy diagnosis of pregnancy to lactation, in most pig farms in sows are lack of the movement in the monomer limit through columns and delivery bar, resulting in reduced function of sows, dry stool, causing constipation.
insufficient drinking water. the water shortage or insufficient flow rate of the water heater can cause the sow to be short of water. the water flow rate of the pig's drinking water shall not be less than 1.5 liters / min.. lack of water can also cause lactation sows intake too low.
heat stress. in summer, due to the pig's temperature is too high, the sow body temperature rise accordingly, resulting in constipation.
excessive feeding restriction. the water in the large intestine is absorbed too much to form constipation.
infectious diseases such as prrs, swine fever and so on.
mycotoxin poisoning. feed mildew, especially aflatoxin poisoning, causes constipation or diarrhea in sows.
measures to prevent sow constipation
strengthen management。 pregnant sows in conditional farms can be kept in great circle, which not only reduces the incidence of constipation, but also meets the requirements of animal welfare.
feed nutrition balance. we should give full consideration to the needs of energy, protein, minerals, vitamins, water and cellulose of sows at different physiological stages were prepared using more balanced, easy digestion and absorption of raw materials, on the basis of preparation of balanced nutrition diet, reduce the feed in the digestive tract of residence. wik sows material t440 (or 5440a), t540 (or 5540a) using the latest technology of amino acid balance, can guarantee the premise of sow nutrition needs of the fully reduced dietary protein, reduce the excretion of the objective.
do a good job in vaccine immunization, reduce the incidence of infectious diseases, while the use of immune function modifier - high immunity toxins, enhance resistance, improve vaccine effectiveness.
provide sufficient and clean drinking water for sows. the flow rate of the water heater should be 1.5 liters to 2.5 liters per minute. when stress is added to the drinking water, interferon can improve the resistance to stress.
the quality of raw materials, to prevent excessive moisture and moldy raw materials into the flow, and add mildew in the feed net.

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