must a sow abort? wrong! it may also be related to drinking water-九游会旧版

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must a sow abort? wrong! it may also be related to drinking water
add time:2017.02.15    views:499

summer drinking water temperature is too high, easy to cause large pig heat stress, sow abortion, winter drinking water temperature is too low, easy to produce cold stress piglets, causing diarrhea. the optimum temperature for drinking water should be controlled at 20-25 degrees.
sow inexplicable miscarriage? farmers never thought of drinking water
will the temperature of swine drinking water affect the growth performance of pigs? most pig farmers have ignored this problem, think the southern weather temperature is small, do not have to consider the water temperature problem.
some experts have pointed out that, the southern pig farms should also pay attention to, summer drinking water temperature is too high, easy to cause large pig heat stress, sow abortion, winter drinking water temperature is too low, easy to make piglets cold stress, cause diarrhea. the optimum temperature for drinking water should be controlled at 20-25 degrees.
90% of farmers ignore pig drinking water problems
guangxi yingping livestock breeding pig farm director li yingping told reporters that he thinks the winter pig drinking water temperature should be moderate warming will be better, but their farms did not do any of the heating equipment, he said, the temperature should have little impact. "more than 90% of my people have not thought about it, or i think it has little impact." reporters asked shantou, raoping, zhaoqing, several pig farms, the same is not considered the problem.
because do not pay attention to the temperature of pig drinking water, part of the pig farm will pool and water pipes exposed to the sun, in summer exposure, water temperature is too high, winter in the cold wind, water temperature is too low, very detrimental to pigs.
pig is like raising people, but pigs are different from human beings. hunan agricultural university professor liu zikui told reporters that the pig has two structures with people like, first of all is the cooling system, people's sweat glands 5 million, through sweat to heat, and the pig sweat glands developed, pigs per square meter in the area of sweat gland is only 50, and only through drinking water micturition to heat. in addition, there are subcutaneous fat structure, pigskin has double fat, relatively thick, heat insulation effect is much stronger than human, so heat stress is more obvious.
drinking water temperature is too high to cause heat stress reaction
liu zikui further analysis, drinking water is more important than feeding, when pigs stress first affect food intake, stress in the early stage, decreased feed intake, water intake will not fall, like a cold, may be advised to drink plenty of water.
for large pigs, the proper temperature for drinking water is 16-25 degrees, while the piglets are thin, the temperature is higher than 25 degrees, and the sow is between 20-25 degrees. large pigs are more likely to heat stress, while piglets are susceptible to cold stress.
if the temperature is too low, piglets will diarrhea, and if the temperature is too high, the digestive ability of large pigs down, the spleen and stomach followed by damage, while the sow is prone to miscarriage. "sows on many farms inexplicably miscarried, thought it was a disease, but the temperature of the water was too high."."
southern rural newspaper reporter interviewed huazhou farmer cooperatives chairman li yafeng, he also suggested that the temperature will not lead to pig groups do not want to drink water, bringing many pig health problems.
such as weaning piglets after weaning during the first 2 weeks drinking water is the most important, because the time to eat a high protein diet had higher water intake need to excrete excess nitrogen, so as to ensure the intake and reduce the incidence of. for sows, to ensure the amount of lactation and feed intake, but also need adequate drinking water. lack of water can also cause problems such as increased volume of swine toxins and increased morbidity.
liu zikui suggested that the use of deep well water south farm pigs is good, the water temperature can be adjusted automatically, warm in winter and cool in summer, and the depth of the well for different pig farms and keep the water temperature difference, and the external environment temperature difference of 5 degrees above can control the temperature of the water can meet any stage of pigs at 20-25 degrees left and right.
in addition, there are water pipes, preferably buried in the ground one meter deep, do not let the sun exposure. li yafeng suggested the use of iron pipe material, can be laid in the house, along the inner wall, the reservoir for the use of pig farm, can be installed when the heating plate tower in winter heating, drinking water when the ambient temperature is too low, ensure the suitable water temperature.

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