2014 annual summary, commendation and spring festival gala-九游会旧版

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2014 annual summary, commendation and spring festival gala
add time:2015.02.16    views:515

speech at the 2014 summing up ceremony and the spring festival gala
general manager: ouyang hongbing

dear colleagues:
good evening,everyone!
cemayangbian year lunar new year, good luck. in the eve of spring festival, morninglight group 2014 summary commendation cum spring festival party was held today in the sea, the 2014 summary commendation cum spring festival party to "sail" as the theme, create brilliant. to express our gratitude to all the colleagues of the group who have been in business with each other in 2014!
take this occasion, the advanced person let me on behalf of the company leadership group won the recognition to the warm congratulations and pay tribute, they came to accept the award, we want to express warm congratulations to them! we also hope that all our colleagues will follow their example and try to catch up with them in terms of attitude, detail, motivation and spirit, so as to realize their value in life. extend my cordial condolences to all the colleagues who have worked hard in 2014! express heartfelt thanks to the performers for their careful preparation!
looking back over the past year, chuang xin pharmaceutical through the road of entrepreneurship, it is extremely emotional. the past year is morninglight group development, the maturity of one year; we are blood condensed, sweat flowed a year; all marketing elite and customers struggle and care for a year; is a growing and vibrant one year; is a heavy accumulation of corporate culture for a year is to camphor medicine; key enterprises, large taxpayer become a year. chong xin group's success today, together with the blood and sweat of all morninglight people, permeated the care and love of customers and friends from all walks of life, but also all the staff's family members, unknown to the public the overall situation of the year.
"when prosperity, peace and prosperity, and create a new land, the united states and the united states and the united states". chuang xin group colleagues, brothers and sisters, we are in a link between the past and future time today, let us in the group leadership team under the leadership of our common development, to update the profile, higher standards, further emancipate the mind, keep pace with the times, to break the routine, beyond the self, good work, set new goals, embark on a new journey, climbing to new heights, create new brilliance!
strive to achieve this year's goal plan of chong xin group!
finally, on the arrival of the spring festival, i would like to extend my new year's greetings to all my colleagues and brothers and sisters on behalf of the leading group of the group! i wish you a happy new year, a happy life, a harmonious family and all the best wishes for you!
thank you all!

  展望未来,我们大家应团结在欧阳红兵董事长、总经理为首集团公司董事会周围,各司其职、各尽其责,认真做好几件事:一、中药饮片公司gmp认证通过、并尽早投入生产;二、饲料公司验收通过、预粉料投入批量生产;三、做好创欣药业gmp 复验准备工作;四、樟邦产品的qs和生产许可证的认证、验收通过;五、创欣、樟邦生产销售在14年的基础上翻一翻。摆在我们面前的困难还很多,道路是曲折的,但有着传统拼搏精神的创欣人,不畏困难、团结一致,共同努力,我相信,有我们在座同仁的齐心协力,一点能完成既定的任务,实现目标。各位兄弟姐妹们,我相信有你们的奉献和智慧,一定会让创欣的明天更加辉煌、灿烂。

list of advanced production (work) of chong xin group in 2014
morninglight workshop: chen hongying chen xianglian zhou guihua xie zhengxiu ling bingxiong qingping
camphor state workshop: sun bihong, lu shuying, huang qiue, yan zhangping
chong xin marketing: yang luming
zhang bang marketing: micro weiqiong xie du
technology department: lu yuping, long hui
finance department: chen ting
supply department: zhang jianlong
administration department: huang yunhua
technical service center: jiang yiping
nanchang service center: guangxi group

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