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add time:2014.06.19    views:526

hello, everyone. summer is a season of disease, and today i want to share with you what i have seen and heard recently. a few days ago, there was a 60 sows the size of the customer in a hurry to call me said: "he's found in pig is similar to the symptoms that there are many pigs breathing difficulties, conjunctival flush, flow gum, mucosal swelling failure, walk. most of the large pig's body temperature is above 41 degree, the appetite is disused, the lips are blue, the anus edema, urine yellow urine." start i thought it was swine fever, what of, then the boss said a dead pig, so hurry to call me in the past, after careful observation and the boss 'representative, also found that these symptoms: piglet performance failure, loss of appetite, waste body temperature is not high, chills, cluster. the death rate is extremely high, usually over 80%. recovery of the sick pig, growth and development slowed down. in the last few days, there was a fever of sows, miscarriages, and several weak offspring, etc
there are just a few pigs that have just died and the results are as follows
1. chest cavity, abdominal effusion, multiple fibrous pleuritis and peritonitis;

2. the lungs show an unconstricted rubber lung presenting mottled to brown lesions;

3. the lymph nodes are extensively enlarged, especially the inguinal lymph nodes and the pulmonary portal lymph nodes.
4, the pig liver is swollen, the color becomes weak, some liver is loess color, qualitative crisp.

to this end, i propose the following scheme:
1. for the severe cough: high heat mixed clear bloodthirsty kang injection
2. for the use of high fever and non-withdrawal: gene polypeptide thermotoxic serum, muscular adenopeptide; or with a fever of mixed with fever, serum, gene polypeptide;
3. mix (1000kg feed) : fluoric 1200g qinghot anti-stress powder 1000g gold stilbene anti-virus (can change round blue interferon) 1000g tif 1000g;

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