the information platform is open!-九游会旧版

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the information platform is open!
add time:2012.04.10    views:513

in order to adapt to the increasingly refined veterinary drug sales market, better and more direct ground to serve customers, the group company set up an animal medicine vip customer information platform. will be able through the information platform of face-to-face service customer, collect customer to this company product quality, product ideas, product policy suggestions and comments, and please make sure response to relevant departments in a timely manner. assist the regional manager to keep track of the receipt and receipt of the company's products and timely inform the customers of the new listed products and the key products for epidemic season. to bridge the company's technical services and customers, timely and accurately solve the customer's technical problems in veterinary medicine or veterinary medicine.
platform staff solemnly promise:
we will do our best to provide you with the guidance and advice of our new and old customers and regional managers.
contact information:
fixed words: 0795 -- 7858666, 7161023
fax: 0795-7858555
(chui xin) qq: 1264882922
(zhangbang) : qq: 2529230199

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