the group held the 2009 advanced workers recognition conference-九游会旧版

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the group held the 2009 advanced workers recognition conference
add time:2010.02.20    views:484

on february 10, 2010, chong xin group 2009 annual summary commendation congress was held in recommending virtuous man, recognition of the 2009 group of advanced production workers and advanced sales workers, mobilizing group and further understand the situation clearly, guided by the scientific concept of development, improve the quality and efficiency of development as the core, deepening enterprise reform, adjusting and optimizing the structure, improve the management level, unswervingly promote group rapid development, scientific development, harmonious development.
mr. ouyang hongbin, chairman and president of the group, summarized the work in 2009. fully affirmed the chong xin group, all the staff in the past year, in the face of financial crisis spread, the spread of the complicated situation, group projects, up and down in the same boat, positive response, insurance development, increasing benefits, restructuring, asset strength to a new level, the development of reforms had made new achievements. the eu also points out that the overall goal will be achieved through the joint efforts of every creative person of our group. the middle-level leadership of the company is the central system, and as the backbone of the enterprise employees, it will bear more responsibility and pay more efforts. we should work hard to unite the staff of all departments, take scientific and technological innovation as the driving force, and make due contribution to the rapid development of enterprises.
group chairman and president mr ouyanggongbing group, vice chairman and secretary of the party committee, deputy general manager mr tian ling at the meeting mr. c. to the group about the recognition of 2009 advanced production workers and advanced sales workers for the awards.
the meeting was attended by the management personnel of the group, the advanced workers of the group and some staff representatives and their families. through the annual group summary commendation congress, let all the gen xin people can further understand the whole situation of group, further feeling chong xin family culture atmosphere, thereby encouraging spirit, strengthen the cohesion, and achieve a new leap in the new year.

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