pig farm application for eia operation procedure, how to apply for environmental protection-九游会旧版

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pig farm application for eia operation procedure, how to apply for environmental protection
add time:2017.06.23    views:681
before the pig we need the selected site, and in the selected and not immediately after an address of construction, but to go program, this program we call to apply for eia procedures, through this process before the start of the construction, concrete process and operation methods listed below:
i. application conditions
1. the site is in line with the overall planning of the city or the construction of village towns, which meets the requirements of environmental function planning and land use overall planning;
2. accord with national agricultural policy;
3. comply with cleaner production requirements;
4. emission of pollutants shall not exceed the national and provincial standards for pollutant discharge;
5. key pollutants meet the requirements of problem control;
6. commissioned the qualified unit to prepare the project environment impact assessment document.
2. information to be submitted
(i) compiling the environmental impact assessment report project
1. application report for environmental approval of the project;
2. certificate of approval issued by the department of reform or the department of credit;
3. environmental impact report of the project;
4. assessment of the project by the environmental center;
5. planning permit and red line map shall be provided for infrastructure projects;
6. to issue the opinions of the competent department of water conservancy administration in relation to soil and water conservation; to issue the opinions of the administrative departments of agriculture and land for projects involving farmland protected areas; to issue the opinions of the competent department of fishery administration concerning the protection of aquatic animals; in the case of nature reserves, the opinions of the competent forestry authorities shall be issued.
7. other materials required by the environmental protection department.
(2) to compile the project of environmental impact assessment report
1. application report for environmental approval of the project;
2. certificate of approval issued by the department of reform or the department of credit;
3. project environment impact report form;
4. assessment of the project by the environmental center;
5. planning permission and red line map shall be provided for infrastructure projects;
6. to issue the opinions of the competent department of water conservancy administration in relation to soil and water conservation; to issue the opinions of the administrative departments of agriculture and land for projects involving farmland protected areas; to issue the opinions of the competent department of fishery administration concerning the protection of aquatic animals; in the case of nature reserves, the opinions of the competent forestry authorities shall be issued.
7. other materials required by the environmental protection department.
(3) to prepare an environmental impact assessment registration form project
1. application report for environmental approval of the project;
2. the project environmental impact registration form (triplicate);
3. certificate of approval issued by the department of reform or the department of credit;
4. planning permission and red line map shall be provided for infrastructure projects;
5. assessment of the project issued by the environmental center (projects requiring public participation);
6. to issue the opinions of the competent department of water conservancy administration in relation to soil and water conservation; to issue the opinions of the administrative departments of agriculture and land for projects involving farmland protected areas; to issue the opinions of the competent department of fishery administration concerning the protection of aquatic animals; in the case of nature reserves, the opinions of the competent forestry authorities shall be issued.
iii. procedures
1. the applicant (individual) shall submit the application materials in accordance with the evaluation level of the project environment;
2. material review and on-site verification of the project;
3. subject to the subject approval of the environmental protection bureau, the project will be approved or reviewed.
4. time limit
(1) if the declared materials are not complete, they shall be informed on the spot by them or after their completion;
(2) complete application materials:
1. establishment of the construction project of environmental impact report shall be 60 days from the date of acceptance;
2. the establishment of the environmental impact report form shall be 30 days from the date of acceptance;
3. the construction project of the environmental impact registration form shall be on 15 days from the date of acceptance. (source: full online)
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