agricultural deputy minister yu kangzhen: cannot blindly expand the area of the forbidden area, the-九游会旧版

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agricultural deputy minister yu kangzhen: cannot blindly expand the area of the forbidden area, the
add time:2017.06.15    views:652

for scale pig farms in the process of demolition and some influence industry development and the problem of farmers income, deputy agriculture minister kang-zhen yu said today, shouldn't ban cannot be banned, prevent blindly expanding the scope of the ban; the prohibition should be firmly banned, but reasonable compensation should be given; demolition is not the main solution, nor is it the only way. give a certain transition period.

the ministry of agriculture held a press conference on april 14 to read "the opinions of the general office of the state council on accelerating the utilization of livestock and poultry waste resources" and to introduce the implementation arrangements.
one reporter asked: how can the demolition of a large-scale pig farm affect farmers' incomes?
kang-zhen yu expressed, it is understood that in recent years, some places did exist in control of livestock and poultry breeding pollution in the process of the work style is simple, the phenomenon of one-sided, and thus affect the industry development and the income of farmers.
for example, to blindly expand the range of the forbidden area, or to adopt a simple way to remove the ban, some places even put forward the slogan "building no pig county". they did not co-ordinate their efforts to develop the relationship between production and environmental protection, resulting in the detriment of the interests of some farms.
in his opinion, the root of the problem is that there is no good insistence on dialectical thinking and two theory.
in response to this phenomenon, the opinion clearly states that it needs to be balanced and orderly. the reward and punishment should be combined together. specifically, there are several points:
one should not be forbidden to keep. we need to draw a scientific delimitation zone to prevent the indiscrimination of the ban. to this end, the ministry of environmental protection and the ministry of agriculture jointly formulated a technical guide for the demarcation of livestock and poultry breeding and breeding areas to be realistic and scientific analysis, according to the standard. general office of the state council issued the "vegetable basket" the mayor responsibility appraisal method ", thus urged local governments to carry out the responsibility system of "vegetable basket" the mayor, avoid one-sided approach as long as don't produce extreme environment.
second, the ban should be firmly banned, but reasonable compensation should be given. the areas of the ban include drinking water source reserves, core areas and buffer zones in nature reserves, scenic spots, urban residential areas, cultural education scientific research areas and so on. in these areas engaged in livestock and poultry breeding, to the surrounding residents, the environmental impact is relatively large, the demolition should be removed, the relocation of the relocation. however, to take full care of the legal interests of the farm households, give reasonable compensation. involved in the relocation of farmers, local governments should actively assist in the implementation of breeding land and guide the farmers to develop production according to environmental requirements. that is the purpose of the opinion.
third, we will support the transformation and upgrading of farm households to achieve green development. the pollution of livestock and poultry is a problem in the development of animal husbandry, so it should be solved by development. the problem is long-term, so it will take some time to solve, not just one quick fix.
yu kangzhen said that the environmental problems of livestock and poultry farms should be supported and encouraged to promote the transformation and upgrading of farms and sustainable development. demolition is not the main method and is not the only way. it is clearly not objective and unrealistic to give a certain period of transition, not simply to make demands today and to meet tomorrow. in order to realize the coordinated development of production and environment through the support of policies and funds, the development of breeding and breeding cycle of farm households and the ability to improve the utilization of fecal pollution resources will be guided.

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