the animal kingdom teaches us 15 laws of management-九游会旧版

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the animal kingdom teaches us 15 laws of management
add time:2017.04.07    views:508

in recent studies on how to transform traditional management and leadership courses in the form of innovation, we have found that many of the laws of management come from interesting discoveries in the animal kingdom. compile a collection of the results, and share with you.
1. points the horse's law
there is a rich man. he called his three sons to him on his deathbed. there are 17 horses in the family, and the eldest son is divided into two, and the two sons are divided by one third and the third son by one ninth. one half of 17 horses is eight and a half. would you like to kill a horse? my son is puzzled. so the village's chibo was asked to help solve the problem. after thinking about righteousness, he finally figured out the answer: he pulled a horse from his house and made 18 pieces. the oldest son got 112. the second son is one third of six, and the third one is two. 9 plus 6 plus 2 is 17. we have one left. it is that he brought it from his own house, and he led it back.
2. laws of the crocodile
the crocodile's law comes from the way crocodiles devour: the more the prey struggles, the more the crocodile gains. suppose a crocodile bites your foot: it bites your foot and waits for you to struggle. if you try to break your foot with your arm, its mouth will also bite your foot and arm. the more you struggle, the deeper you get. so, in case the crocodile bites your foot, it's important to remember that your only chance to survive is to sacrifice one foot
3. butterfly effect
the most common explanation for this effect is: "a butterfly in a tropical rainforest in the masun river basin of south america, occasionally flapping its wings. it can cause a tornado in texas in two weeks." the reason is that the butterfly flaps its wings. lead to changes in the air around the system, and weak air flow, and a weak around the generation of air flow and can cause air or other system to produce corresponding change, thus causes a chain reaction. and eventually other systems have changed dramatically:
4. frog phenomenon
put a frog directly into the hot water pot. because of its sensitivity to adverse environmental reactions, it quickly jumps out of the pot. if you put a frog in a cold water pot. warm up slowly. the frog does not immediately jump out of the pan, the water temperature gradually increases the end result is the frog is boiled dead. because when the water is so hot that the frog can't bear it, it's too late, or no ability to jump out of the pot.
5. the catfish effect
in the past, sardines had a low survival rate during transportation. later, it was found that if you put a catfish in sardines, the situation would be much better. the original vermium is in a strange environment of walking fish - it's a dangerous situation, and it's a very dangerous thing to do. the sardines, however, were found to have such a "dissimilar molecule" and were naturally nervous and accelerated. the problem of sardine's lack of oxygen will be solved, and the sardines will not die.
6. herd behavior
put a stick across the front of a flock of sheep. the first sheep jumped, and the second and the third followed. removed, at this moment, the stick at the back of the sheep, and go to here, still like the sheep in front of, jump up, although the road's stick is gone, it's called "herd behavior", also known as "herd mentality".
7. minnows effect
also known as the "head fish theory". the german zoologist horst finds an interesting phenomenon: minnows are often gregarious because of their small size. he is the leader of nature. however, if a more robust minnows were removed from the brain, the fish would lose its self-control. the action was also disorganized, but the other minnows were blindly following. this is the "minnows effect" often referred to in corporate governance.
8. laws of the hedgehog
two sleepy hedgehogs. they are held together by the cold. but because each of them had thorns, they left a distance, but it was too cold to bear. and so it came together again. it's been a mess. two hedgehogs finally find a suitable distance: they can get each other's warmth without being stabbed.
9. crab effect
if you have a bunch of crabs in the basket, you don't have to put the lid on, and the crab won't come out. because when there are two or more crabs. each of them scrambled to the exit. but the crate was very narrow, and when a crab climbed into the basket, the rest of the crab grabbed it with a mighty pincer, and eventually dragged it down to the lower floor, where a mighty crab stepped on it. in this cycle, none of the crabs will succeed.
10. laws of geese
zoologists study found that the formation of wild geese flying to the character "one" or "people" word, this way can make his innate declined about 30% overall resistance of the flight, and often take the lead in the one is, is good at flying geese. they alternate between taking on the entire team's migration and eventually reaching their destination on schedule.
11. monkey an elephant's rule
this law is a market competition law that bcg boston consulting has concluded with customer practice. elephants symbolize a large company, and monkeys symbolize small, nimble companies. elephants can step on dead monkeys, but monkeys can also harass elephants and frustrate elephants. one of the metaphors of this law is that the larger the elephant, the more likely the monkey will win.
12. laws of dolphins
when dolphins are trained, a reward is given if the dolphin completes a circle. two rewards will be given if the dolphin completes two loops of jumping. if the dolphin does a two-lap jump, but only to a small fish, then it will not jump twice next time, but only to jump a circle.
13. the law of unconformity of lions
this is a phenomenon that german animal behaviorist dreychel has long observed in animal groups, calling it a "game of thrones" in the animal kingdom. a lion in south africa has two small, furry lions. due to their inherent alternative fur is too obvious, not only make oneself always can't catch prey, idle also repeatedly exposed to collective action, the entire group enables the lions hunt prey quantity is often unable to cope with all the members of the basic survival. these two white lions are among the lowest members of a group of unracially minded lions, and it is always the last time that they enjoy their prey and often go hungry. two years after the lions endured two white lions, the mother of two white lions in a power struggle had a premonition of danger and had to lead them away from the lions.
14. the spider theorem
the ecological habit of spiders is to first judge where the insects are frequented and then choose a favorable location. weave a large and firm web. everything is ready. just wait for the insect to fall.
15. lazy ant effect
the team of evolutionary biology at hokkaido university observed and studied the activities of three groups of black ant colonies composed of 30 ants. it turns out that most ants are diligent about finding and transporting food. but in each group, a small number of ants sit around and look around, and researchers call this group of ants "lazy ants" and label them as "lazy ants." after the team has cut the ant's food source, then those who work at ordinary times very hard-working ants act helpless, while the little ants "lazy" "stand up", led the ants to they had detected a new food source. original "lazy" ant spent most of my time in the "spy" and "research", they observe weaknesses of the organization, while maintaining the exploration status of new food, thus ensuring group constantly get new food sources.

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