how to make water for piglets scientifically? there are two ways to do it-九游会旧版

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how to make water for piglets scientifically? there are two ways to do it
add time:2017.03.31    views:492

piglet diarrhea is one of the most commonly encountered in the process of pig disease, because that can lead to the factors of piglet diarrhea much more special, such as poor piglet innate immunity, nutrition supply, piglets digestive organ failure and stress, are likely to cause diarrhea of piglet happen.
the method of treatment for piglets is simple, it can be used for irrigation or injection. however, it is inevitable that there will be piglet casualties in the treatment of piglets. according to the relevant statistics, more than 50 percent of the piglets that died due to diarrhea actually died from dehydration. therefore, for the piglets to stop the diarrhea, also can not ignore to the piglet to make up water.
how to make water for piglets scientifically? there are two methods:
1. oral rehydration salts were added to the drinking water of piglets, and it was effective to treat acute diarrhea of piglets.
2. intraperitoneal injection of the piglets is performed as follows:
1. physiological saline (0.9% sodium chloride solution)
2. penicillin
3. 5% glucose solution
after the drug has been prepared, the piglet should be rearranged and then disinfected at the second and last two centimeters of the outside of the nipple. after disinfection can be needle stab into the abdominal cavity, the general depth about 2.5 cm, to pierce the needle feeling after activities without resistance, withdrawing needle, and gas and liquid piston, the can to the liquid injection allocation and slowly. as for the dosage, depending on the situation, the piglets after weaning will be better than 50 ml, while the suckling piglets will be about 30 ml.
in addition, we can't always wait for the pig to get sick before thinking of treatment, the health care work to prevent piglet diarrhea is the most important. for example, using high-quality suckling pig material, keeping the injection dry and keeping warm, the beaver controlling the pig intake, avoiding indigestion, etc., is the work to prevent the diarrhea of piglets. in addition, in order to avoid piglets, it is also necessary to do three acupuncture after childbirth.

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