the first big province of pig to reshuffle small retail investors should be the size of the breeding-九游会旧版

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the first big province of pig to reshuffle small retail investors should be the size of the breeding
add time:2017.03.11    views:521

sichuan has become a land of war. at the end of last year, winslet's stake was announced to be in the shape of 600, 000 pig breeding in sichuan in 2019. the twin group is also not weak, saying it will lay out five million pig breeding bases in sichuan. new hope group chairman liu yonghao, held at the end of the fourth session of sichuan agricultural cooperation and development said in the conference, the next 3 to 5 years, new hope will breed 10 million pigs in the whole country, which is an important area in sichuan; is almost the same time, investment of 3.03 billion yuan of sichuan's agriculture and animal husbandry science and technology co., ltd cooperation development 1 million "neijiang pig" project, the investment of 7.5 billion yuan in yibin layout 5 million pigs breeding and the deep processing project formally signed...
the so-called "sichuan pig is the world", as "the largest province of the pig" sichuan, has been faced with the development difficulties of industrial convergence. in 2015, the proportion of pig breeding in the whole province was only 30.9% in 2015, which was less than 15 percentage points nationwide. the personage inside course of study says, because sichuan is not a major corn producing areas, mainly rely on domestic supply raw materials, industrial feed needs to feed 5 million tons of corn, a year is higher than the national 150 yuan per ton, so is not pig farming enterprises preferred area of the layout. today, the pig industry will have a big impact on the pig industry. what changes will occur in the development pattern of sichuan pig?
the profit space of pig is stable and reasonable
after the market that suffered a deep loss in 2012~ 2014, the price of pig in china entered the upward cycle. according to the monitoring and early warning system for monitoring of live pigs, sichuan in 2016, sichuan pig industry including fatten pigs, piglets, pigs food (material) and pigs spreads four indicators in may 2008 the highest since the monitoring, the average family size field each head of pig made a profit of 520 yuan of above, more than 2015 per head made a profit of 300 yuan of above.
in 2017, what will happen to pig production and prices? the industry is generally more optimistic. "the next five to 10 years will be the golden age of the pig industry," said yu zhong, head of the seven-star farm in xinjin county, which is one of the country's first large-scale pig farms. the report, issued by the information center of sichuan provincial department of agricultural industry, predicts that "pig production will continue to show a small increase in recovery in 2017, and will be more rational and large-scale. in the whole year, the ratio of pig grains and pigs is not below the equilibrium line, but the profit space will gradually become more reasonable.
the latest data show that the average price of piglets and reserve sows rose in the fourth week of february 2017, although the retail price of pigs and pork continued to be slightly lower after the holiday. "a 30 catty pig, which has been sold for 900 yuan, has not allowed many farmers to expand easily." wang wenjing, deputy director of the new tianjin county agriculture development bureau, said that after the ordeal of the last downturn, there was still a lot of caution in the field.
however, pig bosses, such as wen's, twins and new hope, are more capable of controlling policies and markets than the general scale farms that are less vulnerable to market risk. "on the one hand, as the national pig production development planning (2016-2020), the southern water network region pig production has been on the agenda, such as sichuan pig key development area provides the capacity to undertake opportunities; on the other hand, after a wave of 'pig cycle, sichuan cage-free households and small farms out in great quantities, the huge market supply gap and relatively objective profit space, become big pig rushed to sichuan's biggest motivation." the relevant officials of sichuan provincial department of agriculture said.
small retail investors delisted to scale breeding cages for birds
last year, those years of cangxi county in guangyuan city wulong township or village villagers mouliyong return home, nearly 200000 yuan savings investment construction of pig farms, become its group in cangxi farmers of the first cooperation.
at the end of 2015, guangdong winslet group's 400,000 high-quality pig industry integration project, officially signed up in cangxi county. "according to the profit of a pig at a minimum of 170 yuan, the annual output will be 650 yuan, with a profit of more than 100,000 yuan per year, which is better than working outside." he told reporters.
like wen's, pig giants like new hope and twins tend to be "company farmers". "behind this is an enterprise based on cost control." wing group, said an official with the related subject to the terrain, in sichuan self-built mega-farms high cost, long payback period, the breed tache to farmers for light assets operation is a better choice.
in order to make the cooperation more solid, each big enterprise has mentioned "cooperation scale farmers generally not less than 500 head", and that with sichuan province put forward "to speed up the alternative especially rural poor rural widespread cage-free traditional way at present, the key support development in market scale farms 500 pigs".
the development model of "leading enterprises moderate scale farms" has been recognized by local governments. if chengdu has arranged a budget of almost 40 million yuan for two years, it will be used to support the cooperation in the construction of enclosure construction, production facilities and equipment purchase and ancillary facilities. at present, the pig giants such as special drive, cp and star have signed a strategic agreement with many pig breeding counties in chengdu, and further increase industrial investment.
in fact, after the last round of pig's downward cycle shuffling, sichuan pig breeding small retail investors delisted obviously. 3 ~ 5, 2016, by the sichuan academy of animal husbandry and animal husbandry station, and other units of suining experts pig breeding research group of farmers, cross two different scale questionnaire and field survey: in suining city and paper are 1 ~ 49 head size on the number of beds from 604896 to 480906 in 2011, the market fell to 22.42% from 33.46% the proportion of the pigs.
the quality characteristic variety meets the market demand
the sharp expansion of the pig giants is in sharp contrast to sichuan's caution about the size of the pig industry. formulated according to the sichuan animal husbandry development goals: "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" period, the sichuan province pig market will basically stable in 72 million, how to "quality, and the efficiency" is the development of sichuan pig in the next five years.
many data show that the sichuan pig breeding has a large space efficiency gains: entire hectareage level is not high, livestock and poultry pig outside the ternary hybrid surface is only 46.5%, during the period of "twelfth five-year" introduced breeding quantity only 3.7% of the total, only 6.2% of the country's core pig breeding field; in terms of production capacity, the cost of pig breeding is 40% higher than that in developed countries, and the average year of a sow is about 15.2, which is more than 10 in developed countries such as denmark and canada. most small and medium-sized farms are intelligent, automated and mechanized.
wang minghui, vice governor of sichuan province in september last year the modern animal husbandry development site, said at the meeting held large pig and pig out national base county county to "for short, quality, increase efficiency" as the goal, to speed up the pig introduction, denmark, the united states, high-quality construction, seed selection, breeding and propagation in 2020, built bushengji core breeding field more than 10, local pig breeding core field 4, the province is being supported kind capacity up to 30000 head, a head sows in 20 heads above provide weaning piglets, quality characteristics of the provincial total pig market share over 70% of the total output of live pigs...
in addition, sichuan will speed up the development and utilization of excellent local variety resources in mountainous areas and three states, and vigorously promote the varieties of local advantages such as sichuan and tibetan black pigs, from the supply side, to meet the various needs of the market.

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