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sustainable food supply and efficiency -- interpretation of the 13th five-year plan for agricultural
add time:2017.02.23    views:518

"much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" period, it is our province to build a well-off society in an all-round way with the synchronization of runoff stage, is the deepening of reform and opening up, accelerate transformation of the mode of agricultural development and a crucial period of structural reforms to boost agricultural supply side.
recently, the provincial government has compiled the 13th five-year plan for agricultural modernization in jiangxi province. asked around, readjusting the agricultural departments at various levels innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing the five development idea, around the "steady grain, optimal supply and efficiency" objectives, in order to improve the quality and competitiveness as the center, in order to promote agricultural supply side structural reform as the main line, moderate scale operation for the lead with a variety of forms, focus on transformation of the mode of agricultural management mode, the mode of production, the resources use and management, build a modern agricultural industry system, production system, management system, further consolidate the position major grain-producing areas, vigorously implement the green ecological agriculture ten action, ensure good agricultural ecological environment and the quality and safety of agricultural products, to build a national green food industry base in our province, out of a production efficiency, product safety, resource saving, environment friendly modern agricultural strong province of jiangxi road, across the country take the lead to achieve the rise of green agriculture, lay solid foundation for the synchronization to build a well-off society in an all-round way. the reporter interviewed the leaders and experts of relevant departments, and interpreted the new ideas and measures of planning.
we will increase efficiency, increase production capacity and consolidate the status of grain producing areas
the development goal of the plan is to achieve significant progress in agricultural modernization by 2020. food production capacity to further consolidate and upgrade, other major effectively ensure supply of agricultural products, industrial structure more reasonable, material technology and equipment conditions improved significantly, the more modern agricultural science and technology innovation, the basic building modern agricultural industry system, and constantly improve the level of agricultural resource utilization and ecological environment protection, agricultural production and operation mode constantly optimized, the informationization level increased significantly, the modern agricultural product market system preliminary established, the comprehensive well-off level of peasants' living, beautiful livable rural construction to a new level.
cardinal province agriculture department of party secretary wu pointed out: "in order to realize the plan put forward development goal, the first is to unswervingly steady development of grain production, adjusting the agricultural structure, to strengthen the modern agriculture demonstration leading platform construction, comprehensive solid foundation for a modern agricultural transformation and upgrading and support." the plan clearly requires that priority be given to the delineation and construction of food production zones and important agricultural production zones on permanent basic farmland. priority will be given to the demarcation of the production zones for the main agricultural products, and the priority protection will be given to the designated production zones for the main agricultural products.
strengthening the construction of high-standard farmland is an important basis for achieving stable grain growth, increasing capacity and adjusting the structure. according to understand, our province will vigorously integrate hair change, finance, agriculture, land, water conservancy department of agriculture irrigation and water conservancy infrastructure construction funds, guide and support the new operators, business capital and bank capital investment in high standard farmland, form the resultant force for the construction of high standard farmland, build high and stable yield of grain production areas, steadily expand overall grain production capacity.
we will strengthen the demonstration of modern agriculture and speed up the construction of modern agricultural demonstration zones in the country
the experts said that promoting the construction of the national modern agricultural demonstration area is the focus of improving the quality and competitiveness of the agricultural sector and promoting the agricultural supply-side structural reform. "planning" requirement, in 2020, our province national basic realize agricultural modernization, modern agriculture demonstration area take the lead to achieve the completion of infrastructure, technology integration, green production factory, the production method, systematic support protection.
around to achieve this goal, our province will accelerate transformation of the mode of agricultural development as the main line, strengthen the reform and innovation, science and technology driven, resources integration and policy support, build the rational feeding as a whole, as well as the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry fishery, zhongyangjia integrated production system, form the development of advanced, innovative active and can copy can promote the typical model, model leading province modern agricultural strong province construction. at the same time, our province will vigorously implement the "hundred county hundred garden" construction projects, cultivating a batch of provincial-level key demonstration garden, actively guide the new agricultural management main body acceleration park to the central, advanced agricultural production factors to the zone reflect, the core of provincial level demonstration garden into a "sixth industry" demonstration example, take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization.
we will promote the integration and development of industries, and vigorously implement the "strong dragon, value-added, solid foundation, and farmers" projects
around the planning requirements, to promote the rural industrial integration development, 123 to 2020, managed to create rural industry fusion 10 (national level 3), characteristic town 50, 500 demonstration village.
our province will accelerate the development of agricultural products processing. we will vigorously implement the "strong dragon, value-added, solid foundation, and farmers" projects, strengthen the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization, and expand the scale of industrial clusters. in a cluster promotion action, foster a batch of leading enterprises in the industry leaders, guide enterprises to concentrate in the growing, speed up the formation to a large enterprise, small and medium-sized enterprises as the backbone, processing enterprises as the main body, circulation, science and technology, service-oriented enterprises is complementary, to leading enterprises cluster development, full of vitality. encourage leading enterprises docking modern agriculture demonstration park and production base, support agricultural products processing enterprises brand construction, storage and cold chain logistics system construction, the raw material base construction, build a batch of high starting point, high standards of agricultural products processing industry garden area.
according to the requirements of "planning", our province expands various functions of agriculture. create a batch of leisure agriculture demonstration county, to perfect the leisure tourism chongdian village infrastructure conditions, such as speed up the cultivation of operating characteristic, management standardization, service standardization of leisure agriculture demonstration site, beautiful countryside leisure, leisure agriculture parks. at the same time, the selection will be held across a number of rural tourism products, build urban leisure sightseeing agriculture, the resort, surrounded by mountains leisure agricultural region, along the highway, railway sight and farming culture belt along the river, formed "three zones" a circle area of leisure sightseeing agriculture development pattern.

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