bird flu has ravaged the entire poultry industry-九游会旧版

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bird flu has ravaged the entire poultry industry
add time:2017.02.21    views:504
according to the voice of rural china, three rural china, this year is the year of the rooster, but the chicken market is not at all peaceful. first, prices continued to fall due to too much farming, recently, because of the bird flu outbreak. after the spring festival, there were cases of h7n9 bird flu in anhui, jiangsu and beijing. the closure of live poultry markets in some parts of the south, in an effort to keep the disease from spreading, has hit local chicken sales.
bird flu in poultry breeding industry also had an impact, this period of time, white chicken and chicken ndv can be isolated from the dead all prices plunged, from 40 to chicken, terminal sales are a sharp cuts, live chicken sales appear even stagnation.
guo jiantang is a big chicken farmer in baoding city, hebei province. his breed is mainly white feather chickens. this year, white-feather chickens are at a low price due to oversupply. guo jiantang, for the profit of the farm, the spring festival has not been good, and went everywhere to sell, the moment is not idle. it was hoped that the loss caused by the falling price would be saved, but the outbreak of bird flu after the festival not only wasted all his efforts, but also made the situation worse and worse. the price of the white feather fell to 2 yuan per catty, and the owner's farm lost.
guo jiantang: the impact is very big, the price is depressed, our farmers chicken can't sell out. now i sell the price of slaughterhouse is 2 dollars a city jin, we raise cost 3 blocks more, now be the loss, 1 catty compensate a piece, 5 jin of chicken accompany 5. a farmer who raises 20,000 chickens will lose 100,000. there's no way to make it.
white chicken prices tumbling, sales have dropped by half, guo jiantang says, in general, slaughterhouses every day slaughter capacity has more than 10, ten thousand, after the outbreak of bird flu, a day can only slaughter siwuwanzhi. guo knows, this also can not blame slaughterhouse, who let recent tv always remind everybody to prevent avian flu, the common people because of fear, begin not to eat chicken. there is no demand in the terminal market, and slaughterhouses can only sell their chickens.
guo jiantang: if bird flu do not do, the price will not low so much ah, avian flu, a report on television, make everyone eat less chicken, the results of consumption, its impact on the terminal market is too big. it can't be a slaughterhouse. it's cheap to sell if it's not attractive. so the worst thing about this is that we're farmers.
in the north, white feather chickens are basically sold to slaughterhouses, and in some parts of the south, the chicken is sold directly to the people in the demand market. most of the chickens sold in the southern live poultry market are yellow-feathered chickens. after the outbreak of bird flu, the live poultry market in many areas has been closed, and so has the large number of yellow-feather chickens. liu wei, a seller of chicken and chicken in huainan, anhui
liu wei: now the price is selling more than 1 jin, the sales volume, almost no sales, can't go out. now most markets in anhui have been closed, and now they are left to fend for themselves.
the reporter learned that, recently, the price of yellow feather chicken has fallen as high as 43.35%, to another record low, take the green foot chicken for example, sell well some of the same is only 2.47 yuan per catty, the industry farmers lose serious losses. liu wei has a farm, which lost more than five million this year.
liu wei: the loss can only be on your own, our company is not big now, i own a farming company, i have lost five or six million, if the number of chicken, that compensate more. the cost of a chicken is expensive, six jin weighs seven jin weight, the cost of a chicken is more than 20, you can buy only one more now, how all is compensate.
the reporter understands, during the spring and autumn before avian flu season, outbreaks across departments will give farmers down chickens vaccinated, but this year due to unusually severe epidemic, direct the market closed, the dealers and farmers caught off guard. some people lost their money and went out to work, and everyone was looking forward to an early end to the epidemic. liu wei said that he has a lot of breeding wechat group, this time, some chickens in the south, every day to go to the local government for support and help, it was a lot of people in the heart of a glimmer of hope.
liu wei: as far as i know, there are farmers in sichuan, guangdong and nanjing who are wearing a banner and seeking government support. because i have a lot of breeding groups, everyone is begging the government to give support and help. if the government doesn't help, we'll be there. but now, the government has not given us any reply or help.
in order to get through this tough time, liu wei can only apply for a loan of this year, he calculated, want to save this bird flu outbreaks in the event a few days, he at least need more than a year, or even two years.
liu wei: i have to keep working on it. my company has invested thousands of thousands of yuan. i can't close it. i've been working on it all my life. i'm looking for a bank loan now, and if the market opens, we can continue to do it, and if we can't make it in a year, then two years.
although farmers suffered a let a person love dearly, but by the outbreak of bird flu, also can be seen that ndv can be isolated from the dead chicken and some problems that exist in the white chicken breeding, zhuo and analysts li-yuan ma argues that the reason the outbreak of market volatility will be involved so many people, because now the domestic ndv can be isolated from the dead chicken scale farming still lag behind.
li-yuan ma: in recent years for food safety, environmental protection and a scale problem is becoming more and more attention, the flu outbreak for all people in the industry is a wake-up call, countries have strongly advocated large-scale farming and centralized slaughtering, cold-chain distribution, fresh listed is the inevitable choice for the future development of ndv can be isolated from the dead chicken, be helpful for the long-term development of the industry.
li-yuan ma argues that the bird flu, can make the domestic production capacity of ndv can be isolated from the dead chicken by a third, such a reduction can improve the status quo of ndv can be isolated from the dead chicken excess capacity, in the long run, is conducive to the healthy development of the industry.
li-yuan ma: due to the excess capacity, nearly three years ndv can be isolated from the dead broilers prices down year by year, at this stage is below the farmers psychological line of defense, farmers about future general lack of confidence, enthusiasm fill column is very weak. the bird flu has reduced the production capacity of the yellow-feathered chicken by a third or so, favoring the healthy development of the poultry industry.
winter and spring are high season for h7n9 and other respiratory infections. according to the national health and family planning commission, a total of 16 provinces have been infected with the h7n9 virus, and several departments have studied the deployment of winter and spring outbreak prevention and control measures to strengthen the linkage. exposure to infected poultry or exposure to live poultry markets is an important risk factor for human infection. recently, some places have suspended live poultry trading.
in recent days, anhui province has taken measures to shut down the live poultry market and take measures to prevent the h7n9 outbreak. in the poultry trading zone of the phoenix market in chuzhou, more than two dozen bird cages have been emptied and businesses have been closed. ms. lee, the owner of a meat pigeon, said she had been told to stop live poultry trade the day before:
ms. li: this is also a good thing, and it's also a fear of infection. it's also responsible for the chicken sold to us.
at present, china has entered the high season of h7n9 outbreak. contact with infected poultry or exposed to live poultry market is an important risk factor for human infection. ni daxin, deputy director of the emergency center of china cdc
nidaxin: many provinces have a lot of good practice, such as taking off live poultry market suited to local conditions, or a seasonal closed and temporary closed at the same time, promote the centralized slaughtering, cold chain transport fresh listed, ice, so that it can effectively reduce the masses and the opportunity to live poultry exposure, greatly reduce the risk.
according to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, the detection of cases and the areas with positive external virus detection should be closed. the live poultry market in the affected areas has not yet occurred, and the market access of live poultry is further strictly controlled, and the prevention measures such as the quarantine and cleaning of live poultry and the elimination of kill are strengthened. the research on the occurrence of the outbreak has carried out long-term measures such as the complete cessation of live poultry trading, the promotion of the transformation and upgrading of the poultry industry and the introduction of the circulation of chilled poultry products.
relevant experts also reminded, in the life, don't be purchased in the flow of live poultry, processing to wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw poultry and eggs, machining process to have cooked separately, cooked cooked when you cook. zhang zhou bin, deputy director of guangzhou disease control center:
zhang zhou bin: because the bird flu virus is also relatively fragile, at 100 degrees high temperature, 2 minutes, it loses its activity.
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