three deadly problems that prevent farming from making money!-九游会旧版

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three deadly problems that prevent farming from making money!
add time:2017.01.09    views:540

agricultural reform in 2017, the breeding industry is an important breakthrough point. there are three main areas for the future development of the breeding industry:
one is the combination of planting and breeding, and the development of three-product fusion.
second, standardization and scale development;
third, green farming.
that's the big direction we're talking about. but when it comes to operations, many people often don't know what to do. today i will tell you about dry farming. there are three problems that must be paid attention to and strict attention. because with the development of our country agriculture is more and more standard, the traditional some small workshops or optional operating plants may face is unqualified and blocked, on the other hand also relationship with plants can meet the requirements, to get the subsidies.

point 1: project site selection is correct
site selection is the important premise and basic work of the breeding process, and the site selection directly determines the success or failure of the farm. so how to locate is a big problem. generally speaking, there are two principles:
✤ is to conform to the requirements of the local aquaculture planning the layout of the overall, built in the regulation of the forbidden area, and shall not occupy basic farmland to;
✤ 2 it is to stay away from the railway, highway, villages, schools, scenic spots and other public places; and the choice of construction will eventually be able to pass the environmental protection department.
a farmer or bbs students plan in henan to invest 8 million yuan to build scale, has the preliminary planning for half a year's time, integrate the resources research institute of animal funds are already in place, finally because of the location is too close to the village, the eia does not pass, the project was halted by the government.
nong and bbs prompt
the first choice of the site is to stay away from the barren hills, barren slopes, wasteland and wasteland of residential areas. even if the already built farm, if the environmental assessment of this pass is not enough, it is also unable to report the project, will not be able to support the fund.
point two: the project formalities should be complete
many farming plants are well built, but they tend to ignore the formality. when filing a project, the key is on the declaration material. whether it is a special project fund or a reward fund, the project is required. in addition to having a legal identity, your farm needs to meet the relevant hard and fast standards. like you started farming cooperatives would need to have the conditions for animal epidemic prevention certificate, do breeding would have to have the kind of livestock and poultry production and business operation license, large farms also need eia institutions issued by the environmental impact report and so on, but whether these certificates complete often become the farms at a critical threshold of the project.
at the end of 2012, there was a director of farming who came to participate in agribusiness training courses on agriculture and bbs. his farm has a hundred thousand sheep and more sheep in the year, and the venues are all standardized construction. in the local area, he is also one of the biggest breeders. the government also attaches great importance to the project, which is not successful. later on, he rearranged the project industry from beginning to end, and found that he had many procedures and documents. this only found the crux of the problem, and finally helped him to complete some of the paperwork, and then the project was successful. but it has been delayed for two years, and if the procedures were ready, they would have been subsidized two years ago.
nong and bbs prompt
in the early stage of the project construction, it is necessary to go to the relevant departments for the registration procedures, the preservation of the archives and the financial statements of the cooperative. this saves a lot of trouble in the future whether it's subsidies or business.
point 3: project facilities should be improved
large-scale and standardized farms are the focus of state support, and must be separated from the extensive farming areas of ordinary farmers, which is to realize the scientific breeding of national advocacy. for example, the traditional free-range is kept in captivity and caged; the change of single feed for full price and feed; change to free feeding time limited feeding and so on. strict anti-epidemic measures should be adopted, and animal and poultry epidemic prevention should be programmed, equipped with field office, sterilization room, technical service room, and the harmless treatment room of sick and dead livestock and poultry.
a pig farmer in hebei province has recruited more than 300 members of its surrounding farming families. cooperatives have also had thousands of pigs in the year, and no one has been reported for a year. yet another centralized breeding demonstration farm in the local area receives subsidies every year. the director also thought it must be the "someone" in the government, so he could get it. you can't get it without power. later also attended the 105 training courses, to know the original national key support now is standardized cultivation, and their farms are large, but did not form a standardized, all aspects of facilities does not build all, also does not meet the requirements for the subsidy.

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