the price of pork rose steadily, steadily breaking nine, the pig people several happy several worrie-九游会旧版

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the price of pork rose steadily, steadily breaking nine, the pig people several happy several worrie
add time:2017.01.05    views:625

       the rise in the price of pork has been growing stronger and steadily breaking 9. however, this wave of price rises is also a few happy several families. boom market during the period of pig, received a just reward, but happy and joy are granted again thing and pig, that paragraph of time qinglan may already be regretted at the moment, pigs in the farm, however did not reach the market standard, in the short term should be to catch up.




so how can the pig man make sure he keeps smiling until the end? pig's treasure is for you to conclude:
the piglets are low cost, stable quality and more secure, and have more survival and protection compared with foreign piglets. it's not bad to buy a piglet, but the price of pork is rising. if you can't sell it for a high price, you will lose it. think again. it would be terrible if you were unlucky enough to run into a black-hearted dealer, smuggle a pig in vietnam, or sell you a sick pig. frozen pig is more optimistic situation, if bring contagion virus, it is finished. self-breeding can root out the problem.
and the management of the sow is not very troublesome now, the mobile phone is installed with an app, it should be used for the prevention of the epidemic prevention of the production of the point, it is really not troublesome.
2. reasonable control of feed use
some pig people will choose the feeding method of free food intake, also not careful to see quantity, will fill the trough full, let the pig oneself go to eat. but it didn't consider the feed conversion ratio, nor consider that it's not every pig's appetite, freedom to gather the food is easy to appear in a bar in the pig, there is always a big, a little.
, if willing to control each pigs from the consumption of feed piglets are is an average, basic can be controlled, even if less than how much each feed precision, but a group of pigs with how much feed, can be controlled, and now the normal feed mills, such as board, even the nutrition proportion design, scientific feeding is not a problem. reasonable control of the use of feed, can be operated, can avoid feed waste, the cost is saved, is not to make money?
three, the pig model has exquisite
many pig farmers know that when they stock up at home, they have to pay a lot of money. even if pigs can get out of the box, the cash flow in the pig farm is still tight. but the treasure of the breeding association can do 200 yuan liquidity raised a pig, feed use after first give money, this model is suit to less liquidity, pig pig numbers and more.
and small investors? you should also learn to combine the risks. if you have only a few dozen pigs in your home, it is better to negotiate a pig. now, the hog cart, the head count is high enough.
4. always have a pig source
again, we have to mention the concept of the healthy cycle of pig farms. as long as there is a pig in the pig farm that can get out of the box at any time, it is not afraid to miss out on any high tide. but what is needed is a larger scale, more stable technology and a stronger ability to resist risk than a few words can solve, and these things need some money to solve.
so the pig farm is big, strong, still need certain economic strength and drive, we wish every pig man can do.

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