methods to reduce the cost of raising pigs-九游会旧版

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methods to reduce the cost of raising pigs
add time:2014.02.21    views:447

1. no production record or production record is perfect, the production level is not clear. various record including breeding, semen examination records, give birth records, nursing records, transfer record, epidemic prevention of the group of records and feed use, sales records, formulation adjustment record daily report, weekly report, monthly report.
2. the cost project is not clear, accounting for carelessness, whether the profit is not clear, the cost input has no specific record, the accounting method is not clear.
3. the salary accounting is not true, the casual sex is strong, affect the enthusiasm of the worker.
solution: improve the production record, cost record, cost accounting, use the piecework wage system. it is recommended to use some production management software such as pigwin, golden grazing software, gps, herdsman, pigcharmp, pig farm housekeeper, etc. trial version you can download the trial, online feel satisfied can buy used, can also according to own actual situation, and software developers customized for your enterprise production management software. (china's livestock software network, china culture network, etc.) can easily understand the problems existing in production and make targeted improvements. in addition, if excel is used better, it can record and analyze the production of the whole hog farm with excel. nowadays some formula software in use process have a one way or the other is insufficient, the use of excel in formula is very convenient, can design their own recipes, of course need you have higher nutrition theory and practical experience.
the waste of the pig farm is serious
1. waste of feed
(1) the feed formula does not change with the seasons
all year round, the temperature is different, the pig is different to the need of nutrition, but now whether the formula that the feed factory recommends, or the recipe that asks expert design, can not be applicable all year round. in winter, a high protein formula can cause a waste of protein. in summer, high-energy formula can cause energy waste. if we can adjust the formula in time, so that the whole group of meat can be reduced from 3.5 to 3.4, we can save 10,000 x 90 x 0.1= 90,000 kilograms of feed in a year for a pig farm, equivalent to about 150,000 rmb.
(2) use high water maize without changing the formula
it is easy to cause the pig to grow only slowly when the new corn comes down. for fall and winter, the temperature is low, the pig to energy requirements than spring and summer, while the new corn is more corn crop, more water in more than 20, with out feed existed phenomenon of lack of energy, such as do not change the formula, and according to fixed feeding programs, is bound to appear insufficient energy, affect the normal growth of the pigs.
one is to increase the proportion of corn while other raw materials are unchanged, and increase the feeding quantity.
the second is the use of wet corn, in conjunction with high-energy feed such as oil, which is suitable for suckling pig or piglets that require high energy concentration.
(3) no feed is processed according to the formula
when the material is processed, it is said;
when a raw material is lacking, it is easy to replace it with other raw materials.
use wet corn instead of dry corn. the above three situations can destroy the rationality of feed formula and affect feed utilization.
(4) uneven mixing
the stirring is not uniform in many pig farms, and the hand-mixed materials do not need to be said, which is that the machine mix is also often stirred uneven. when the edge is crushed, the stirring time is not enough. the easiest to ignore is to add a drug or trace additive in the feed, do not pass the advance mixing directly into the blender.
food and drink and drinking water have been popular, but there is no method of mixing for all pig farms. add dozens of grams of medicine to the last thousand catty feed, it is very difficult to stir well. there is a common progressive dilution method but actually very few people use it because of the trouble. now when adding medicine, the mix is mixed in the hopper, the ground mix also has, add water stir after mix the material also has, there is not one kind can mix the feed to mix well, see the medicine in the waste but can't do. it may be a good method to combine the mixture with the mixture of the two - axis paddle mixer when the mixture is diluted
(5) piglets eat piglets
often encounter pig to eat pig feed, chinese pig eats pig material, big pig eats pig material phenomenon, these can cause feed waste. more serious is to let the reserve pig feed pig feed, this will greatly delay the sow estrus time, affect the normal distribution. these may seem unimportant, but if you count them carefully, you'll be surprised.
2. waste of pigs
(1) breeding of invalid male and female pigs
if the sow is empty, the cost of the pregnancy is very large, and the loss calculation can be seen in the sixth edition of the current issue, "from the economic evaluation of sow to pig production". it can be seen that every day a sow loses an income of 11 yuan.
this also indicates the importance of increasing the production performance of the sow and increasing economic benefits by reducing the number of empty days.
normal pig: sow produces 2.2 births, fetal above 10 head, born alive each boar should guarantee the 20-30 breeding sows, if the pig is not up to the above indexes, is likely to be raised a lot of invalid male sow.
there are several main types of invalid male and female pigs:
long unfeeling sow;
a sow who has repeatedly returned to her affection;
habitual abortion of sow;
a sow that is kept in a gestation but does not show a return.
female pigs with few offspring or poor nursing performance;
a boar that cannot be used with the hoofs;
a public pig with very low frequency;
poor semen quality, mixed with the low - rate of the porcine.
the breeding of these male and female pigs, waste of human resources, waste of feed, waste of fields, etc., should be eliminated in time.
(2) the pig has been out of the field for too long
the feed conversion rate of pigs is low after 100kg. in 160 days, the pig can be raised to 180 days, some even to 200 days. it is a serious waste, because every day, the pig keep feeding is one more day, breeding should be kept according to the daily 1 kg, have 20 days to use 20 kg, folding costs 30 yuan, for a scale pig farms, the amount is very big.
(3) the technology failed to pass muster
this kind of phenomenon is very common, such as don't see appetite for piglets at random loading caused by the remaining material or inadequate, don't look at body condition caused by mechanical feeding the pregnancy sow too fat or too thin, don't look at the timing mating conception rate is low and less litter size, etc. all this is due to a lack of technology that can only be solved by strengthening technical forces.
(4) raising worthless pigs
the worthless pig is mainly a few weak and weak pigs, timely elimination is good, otherwise waste manpower, medicine, energy, the end result is very small. strictly follow the pig elimination standard.
when the disease is not diagnosed, blindly to treat, find the sick pig, do not make specific diagnosis, do not analyze the illness, blind treatment, failure is inevitable, the lesson is more. the ability to determine the disease should be mastered and the following diseases should be eliminated.
a sick pig that cannot be cured;
(i) the treatment of the sick pigs with higher costs;
(i) the sick pig of the patient who took the time-consuming labor;
a sick pig with low economic value;
a sick pig with high infectivity and great harm.
pigs will only be eliminated
suckling pig: newborn weight < 0.5kg and weaning weight (25 days old) < 5kg; physical deformity, muscle tremors, movement disorders; chronic diarrhea, high fever and no retreat, long illness is not the body thin and weak.
conservation of pig and growth: slow growth, weight is not eligible, severe trauma, joint swelling, skin ulcers, movement disorders, severe breathing difficulties, persistent diarrhea, high fever is not retreated, cured.
30 days of age 60 days old
the < 6 kg weight < 10 kg < 15 kg
species of porcine: a type of boar that is more than 10 months old and has no sexual desire or desire to climb the crotch; the public pig is thin, the appetite is poor, the joint hoof disease severity; the semen is repeatedly inspected by the unqualified, aged over 4 years old.
sow to sow: reserve sow to 10 months old still do not be amorous or weaning hind sow not to be estrous and often go up with infertility, after treatment for 3 consecutive period invalid. a three-child habitual abortion. the reproductive performance of sows was poor, the number of three consecutive births was less than 5, the lactation performance was poor, and the survival rate of piglets was less than 60. sows suffer from severe endometritis, limb disease, thin body, long illness or have eight children. we found that the antibody of pig disease was too low and the antibody was still not qualified.
3. human waste
human waste is also common in pig farms. there are two main types: big and small

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